What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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Very pleasant day here in the 'burbs of Montreal. High today was 23°C and currently it's 21°C (70°F) and feels the like 22°C (72°F)
Nice day here today, with a high of just 82°, and low humidity. Humidity is going up already, and tomorrow is supposed to be hotter, and more humid, and Sunday even worse, with possible TSs in the evening, with temperature dropping, and much nicer for Monday. But, things change...
Daily update from North Texas (let me know if you get tired of seeing them :ROFLMAO: ).

Cooler than yesterday, and it was noticeable. The couple that owns the rent house next door came to do some work in the front yard to avoid HOA and City fines, and of course, needed some of my tools, and help, since they are clueless. I would have told them to take a long walk on a short pier yesterday, but in the shade today, it was bearable.


Hotter here, but only a few degrees (only 87°); however, the dewpoint was up to 73°, after the mid-fifties yesterday, so it was much more noticeable. I didn't do as much out there today, and took a shower shortly after cooling off inside! Tomorrow, hotter, and scattered TS through the area, and throughout the day. I'll see if any show up hear.
The first Hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is here, and it is named after my late grandmother, Beryl. She's back, and apparently a bit p-ss-d off. :ROFLMAO:

This one formed about a month earlier than normal.

It is forecast to get to 90° here today, but it dropped to 81°, and the humidity is 89%! I got .66" of rain overnight, then another line came through around 9:30 am, with some heavy rain, which brought the total up to 1.18", and now, after a brief lull, I'm hearing more thunder. Heavier lines went south, with over 7", so far! Here, it's been popups, with just brief TSs, but the heaviest is forecast for later, so I went out and weighted some things down, during this lull, and I'm hearing more in the distance again.
It's 7.20pm and temperatures still in high 80s, but we have a light breeze now so I can pop my head out now, after being stuck indoors all afternoon because of the heat.
Another day in paradise...


Frisco, like most newer cities/suburbs, has a lot of concrete (streets and parking lots). This creates heat islands. Since Frisco is on a prairie, the trees here were not abundant naturally, so the mature trees we have were planted in landscapes, except near rivers and creeks. It is going to take more time for us to have enough trees to provide any significant relief.

Older neighborhoods in Dallas can be as much as 5 degrees cooler on days like this.

Now that third line of storms is coming through, the worst of the day, they are forecasting. It had stopped at 1.18", and actually got a little sunny in the afternoon, but the temperature really didn't rise to 90°, at least in my area - only around 85°. But already the rain is up to 1.45", and this area is in the middle of a wide yellow/orange/red strip in the raday, with another one of those lines predicted for later. And still only 80°, but the meteorologist on the local station was talking about how this was the highest dewpoint level he had ever seen in this area, in his 20 years of reporting - 78°. That was at the noontime, for that news - may have gotten higher now!

Now my total is up to 1.80", in the time I typed this.
69 deg F today sunny, tomorrow 70 deg F and sunny, Tuesday rain and 74 deg F.
No flooding, no sump pumps running, darn grass is growing like crazy.
It's 57F and dropping. I had to close my window, have a hoody on and fuzzy warm pants. Fireworks are going off in the park, about 3 klics from here(?).
It's 57F and dropping. I had to close my window, have a hoody on and fuzzy warm pants. Fireworks are going off in the park, about 3 klics from here(?).

It is down to 87F here. I am wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, and drinking some sweet iced tea.

The Frisco Roughriders (baseball) had a game tonight, so I heard fireworks around 9:30 PM. They do a fireworks show after weekend games. The Roughriders are a farm team for the (World Champion) Texas Rangers.

At the end, I got a small sunshower, of sorts, and it took the total up to 2.75". The sky actually got some blue in it, then got real orange, at the end of it - the storm must have thought it was in Florida, instead of Jersey! :LOL:
Well, today was pretty much the same as yesterday, and tomorrow is supposed to be the same as today.

But, then things are supposed to change going into next week. High temps in the low to mid 90s. There is also a 30 to 50 percent chance of some rain for about five days straight.



I HATED driving through Texas way back when. Took two and a half days to get out of that sauna. LOL I did all the driving from NJ. Took a 24 hour sleep/rest break in Texas (so 3 and a half days). I think it was Abilene, TX where we stopped.

Only stopped two times on the way to AZ. First was in TN. The Smoky Mountains are beautiful.
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