Last Day Of November ~ What's Going On Your Table? ~ 11/30/2023

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
It's what's for dinner at our house

I made up one good sized Lasagna and than two smaller ones for the deep freeze.
What's going on your table this last day of November?
Still have no energy since the two vaccinations on Tuesday. DH is feeling a lot worse than me. I washed a bunch of dishes so I would have room to cook tonight's supper, but I pooped myself out. We ordered pitas from a Lebanese resto. I had a mixed beef and chicken pita with the pickled turnips, hummus, garlic sauce, etc. and a falafel pita w/ the same sort of stuff. DH had two shish taouk pitas with the rest of that regular stuff. I didn't want to get any dishes dirty. It was pretty good.
I had a little of the butternut squash dish I made last night, reheated, to go with the more soupy sambar dish I made tonight, from the radishes I harvested today. The recipe I based it on called for some radish greens, but I'm not crazy about those, so they went into the compost, and I used some cabbage leaves, I also harvested some small plants of. I had about a cup of chopped greens, 1½ c of diced radishes, and a generous cup of chopped onions. I started by cooking 3/4 c toor dal, in the Instant Pot, with 1½ c water, and 3/4 tsp each asafoetida and turmeric, with a little salt. When finished, I whisked it to smooth it out some, and let it cool, while cutting and measuring out all the rest of the ingredients. I used about a cup of chopped up, thawed tomatoes, and used the juice drained from the tomatoes, as part of the water in the dish.

The vegetables were sautéed in a couple tb of oil for 6 minutes, over medium heat. Then the cooled dal was stirred in, with a cup of the rice/millet mix I made last night, plus 2 1/2 c water, and once simmering, I cooked for about 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Then I made the tarka, by heating 1 tb oil with 3/4 tsp each mustard seed and urad dal, and once it was crackling, and the dal was golden, I added 4 broken byadagi peppers, cooked about 10 sec, then added the curry leaves - about 15 - and cooked about 15 sec, until crisp, then put it on the sambar, followed by some cilantro.
Toor dal, after pressure cooking and cooling, and whisking until mostly smooth. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Sambar masala powder and Kashmiri pepper powder, added to the radishes, onions, and cabbage by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The radish sambar, after adding the cooked dal, and about a cup of the rice/millet mix from by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Ingredients for the tarka - mustard seeds and urad dal, some byadagi peppers, and curry leaves. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

The sambar after simmering 10 min, topped with the tarka. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

A generous amount of cilantro added to finish the sambar. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Here's the dish I made last night, that I heated a small amount of, to go with this.
Butternut ready to serve, after cooking the paste down for 2 just minutes. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Still have no energy since the two vaccinations on Tuesday. DH is feeling a lot worse than me. I washed a bunch of dishes so I would have room to cook tonight's supper, but I pooped myself out. We ordered pitas from a Lebanese resto. I had a mixed beef and chicken pita with the pickled turnips, hummus, garlic sauce, etc. and a falafel pita w/ the same sort of stuff. DH had two shish taouk pitas with the rest of that regular stuff. I didn't want to get any dishes dirty. It was pretty good.
I got COVID-19, flu, and RSV shots on Sunday. I still feel lousy. The right arm only got the RSV and is still aching. Hope you feel better soon.
Please post recipe or link to the recipe. It sounds fantastic!

Instead of using four cups of milk, I used four cups of half and half. Otherwise I followed the recipe. It's nice and sweet. I didn't need to add extra chips or anything because that brown sugar is sweet.

Instead of using four cups of milk, I used four cups of half and half. Otherwise I followed the recipe. It's nice and sweet. I didn't need to add extra chips or anything because that brown sugar is sweet.
Thank you
I got COVID-19, flu, and RSV shots on Sunday. I still feel lousy. The right arm only got the RSV and is still aching. Hope you feel better soon.
(((Gentle hugs))) I'm actually feeling worse today. Arm is a bit less sore, but now I have a sore throat and a low grade fever (less than 1°C above my normal temperature). Last night, I didn't sleep well. Muscle aches that kept changing location. And now, I have a horrible headache. I don't think I will get more than one vaccination at a time again. I hope you feel better soon too. This is most unpleasant.
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