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    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Petty Vents with Like Like.
      I've had many adventures riding suffice it to say that even though I was a mediocre rider - far from being an expert nor a competitor in...
    • caseydog
      It looks like a meat version of potato chips in your photo. Pork chips... I like that idea. (y) CD
    • caseydog
      You can get it that way, too. I go back and forth. I found a photo from the same place from a visit there last year... Just two...
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    • caseydog
      I finally got back to Dallas at noon, and my gate at the airport was right next to Pappadeaux restaurant. I could not resist. Catfish...
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    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Petty Vents.
      I know exactly what you mean. I had a good instructor, a trusted friend. I met the horse, and stroked its face, gave it treats, and we...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Petty Vents.
      The horse wanted me off it's back. It made that very clear to me. CD
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to Andy M.'s post in the thread Petty Vents with Haha Haha.
      My feelings exactly. On one of our trips to Aruba we thought it would be a cool idea to take a horseback ride on the beach. We agreed it...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Petty Vents.
      The wife of one of my best friends taught me how to ride a horse. Then, we went out on a ride. Just fine, until the horse decided it...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Petty Vents with Haha Haha.
      WHA???? Sacrilege! Tabernuchi! Colin di bin bin! (all my version of swearing in French)
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Petty Vents.
      Truth be told, I rode a horse one time, and decided that was enough. I'll take four wheels over four hoofs any day. :ROFLMAO: CD
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Petty Vents with Haha Haha.
      He's teasing you taxy. In reality he brought them up from Texas to the Bluebonnet race track and led them round and around 'n round...
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Petty Vents with Like Like.
      I didn't realize that bluebonnets were a lupin. Neato.
    • caseydog
      caseydog reacted to FrankZ's post in the thread Our pets with Like Like.
      One one kitty is missing a pair... :) A sweater isn't going to keep him from licking, though the risks from him licking is far less...
    • caseydog
      caseydog replied to the thread Petty Vents.
      Bluebonnets are the State flower of Texas, and they bloom around the first week of April most years. The Hill Country in Central Texas...
    • caseydog
      I keep my spices at room temperature. Refrigerating them may cause moisture issues. If you take a cold bottle of a spice out of the...
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