Trader Joe's products you have tried

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That's true taxi, but don't you find that frozen quick meals one can buy are usually a lot tamer than if made from scratch?

I don't buy a lot of them but might start getting a couple. 2 reasons, like K'girl - for those nights you just don't feel like cooking - and also to try things I've never had to see if buying a bunch of stuff would be worth it. Hate biuying a bottle of this or that - use it once then stays in the cupboard for years.
NOW ya tell me @taxlady !!!
So not familiar with Indian cuisine, but I wanted to try it. I tried TJ's frozen single serve meal of the Butter Chicken and that was okay I suppose, I'll need to branch out for meals just for moi.

And yes @dragnlaw I like having acoupla single serves that aren't those lean whatever, the ones my mother eats, I don't really care for those.

Maybe we should start a thread about the different frozen meals that folks like or dislike?
@Kaneohegirlinaz, I like the idea of a thread for ready made meals that we like. I tend to get some artisanally made frozen meals from my produce basket place. While they are useful to me and might me to anyone who can get deliveries from Lufa farms, that's not very many people here.

We tried these the other day, not bad.
I put them in the Air Fryer, once on the plate, they got cold real fast.
I think I'll heat them differently next time.
This years Vanilla Bean Paste.

tj-bourbon-vanilla paste.jpg


Used in my cinnamon bun icing. The black specs are from the paste. Tasted pretty good.

Last year's was different. I'm not sure which I like better.

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