What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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Forecast to rain all day. Right now it 75F-24C (feels like 86F-30C), will be going up to 79F-26C (feeling like 95F-35C). Then dropping to a cold (to me) 63F-17C over night.
Going to be like that for the next week or so but just looked up June's historical average for here, is 75F-24C and 57F-14C , with 11 days of rain- well, I think we've already passed those 'days of rain'.
Doesn't say what effect humidity had.
At 1 am it was still 84° here, and 88% humidity! It probably would have felt worse then, than when I was out there earlier.

One big problem with heat domes is that they don't allow temperatures to cool as much as the usually would overnight. That may cause flowers from your tomatoes and peppers to drop, instead of setting fruit. It happens here in July and August every year.

Here's what today is looking like in North Texas. These high temperatures are just a few degrees over normal for this day of the year. It will be unpleasant, but not unexpected.


Forecast to rain all day. Right now it 75F-24C (feels like 86F-30C), will be going up to 79F-26C (feeling like 95F-35C). Then dropping to a cold (to me) 63F-17C over night.
Going to be like that for the next week or so but just looked up June's historical average for here, is 75F-24C and 57F-14C , with 11 days of rain- well, I think we've already passed those 'days of rain'.
Doesn't say what effect humidity had.
I wish we would get some of that rain! It's been horribly hot and dry here lately. I think we're drifting into a drought. The normal afternoon thunderstorms seem to have dried up.
Supposed to be even hotter today, with many towns in the area breaking heat records for the date, and very high heat indexes. But the probability of rain is much higher, along with some severe weather with it, though, again, I'm not turning the timers off! It is VERY windy, I will say, so maybe something is blowing in. If it was a lot cooler out, I might have dug up my garlic - best done when dry. But it is disgusting out there, even with that wind! 95° again, but I think it's more humid.
We got just slightly hotter than forecast today. It is currently 97F/36C here, with a "feels like" of 103F/39.5C. That's about 4 degrees hotter than normal for this date.

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It's raining, and thundering, but these storms are fast moving, and I've only gotten .08", so far, and the temp dropped from 98° to 86°, though the humidity went way up, of course. The temp was 97°, and the dewpoint was 70° when I went out around 2:30 (when that area is in the shade), to dig the garlic up, but it was also windy - up to 35 mph, which is what convinced me to do that. With that heat index, and low wind, I wouldn't have done it.

I hear more rain, and intense thunder now, so that's sort of good...up to a point.
Our high was in the middle 90's depending if you live in the city or the burbs. I know ya'll get bored with me saying it is Hot in Mississippi. But we did have a breeze and that made me happy for about 10 seconds.

From the movie Biloxi Blues (1988)

It wasn't hot today and we have a storm coming through but there are more storms coming through SE Wisconsin around 3-4 am. I don't know if I'll be awake enough to notice. We really don't need the rain right now, the garlic is probably getting too wet. We've had 6 inches more than average already and flood warnings.
Looks like we are going to get our first triple-digit day for 2024 today. It's already close at 12:30PM. We usually peak around 3PM to 4PM. It's a few weeks early, this year.


Yes, that "feels Like" is 120F/49C. I checked multiple stations, and they range from 118F to 120F.

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It is "only" supposed to get to 98° here today, with a heat index of 103-105°. While I was out briefly a while ago, there was no wind - I could see no leaf movement, unlike the last couple of days, which had enough wind to make it bearable, with those gusts to 35-40 mph yesterday the highest. Later, a lot of rain is forecast, with the most coming overnight, though things change.
Last couple of days haven't been bad; 83° and 89°, with low humidity, and high winds, especially yesterday, so it was bearable out there. Today, OTOH, was not nice, though I will say it only got to 96° (2° lower than forecast). But no wind, and really humid, so I didn't do much out there today! Supposed to rain hard tonight, but I'll find out later how much I got - as usual, I don't turn off my timers due to forecasting.

I am starting to hear rain, however. And the hard stuff isn't supposed to get here until 2-2:30 am.
Last couple of days haven't been bad; 83° and 89°, with low humidity, and high winds, especially yesterday, so it was bearable out there. Today, OTOH, was not nice, though I will say it only got to 96° (2° lower than forecast). But no wind, and really humid, so I didn't do much out there today! Supposed to rain hard tonight, but I'll find out later how much I got - as usual, I don't turn off my timers due to forecasting.

I am starting to hear rain, however. And the hard stuff isn't supposed to get here until 2-2:30 am.

We had record rains this year, up until about the second week in June. Just like every summer, Mother Nature then turned off the faucet. There is no rain in the forecast for the next ten days. There are seven out of ten of those days forecast for 100F or more, plus two more at 99F.

Seems every drought ends with a flood, and every flood ends with a drought in Texas.

We had record rains this year, up until about the second week in June. Just like every summer, Mother Nature then turned off the faucet. There is no rain in the forecast for the next ten days. There are seven out of ten of those days forecast for 100F or more, plus two more at 99F.

Seems every drought ends with a flood, and every flood ends with a drought in Texas.

I feel so bad for you poor Texans because like you said you are either getting flooded or fried. I do not see how ya'll live there. I tell you one thing ya'll are some really tough cookies scratching out a life in that climate.
Another cool day, 70 deg F, which I'm grateful for as I'm not a fan of hot hot weather. We had rain last night and light rain today. It's probably too much rain for the garlic. I'm worried it will be too wet.
In the back of my mind I remember thinking that the next time it's cool I'll make something that involves using the oven, not bread.....but I can't recall what it was! Old age....oh fun.

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