What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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It was a combo of heat and humidity. Andy M lives in Chelmsford… hope he’s ok!

Chelmsford’s heat index was 122

Boston was only 108


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Both mine were up on the wall. They drained directly outside as a constant drip. As you say casey, dehumidifying and the A/C draw out the moisture - that's what cools the air once the moisture is out. Although I always knew that, I don't understand too much of the difference.
Is it the amount of moisture taken out which brings the actual temperature down? = A/C
For the dehumidifier does it only just take out moisture but maintains the same actual temperature? = drier air

No, the evaporator coil is a heat exchanger. It is very cold, and the air crossing it is warm. The two trade with each other, with the coil getting warmer, and the air getting cooler. They work no mater how humid the air is. A byproduct is condensation, which is what drains off of the coil. That does help lower humidity.

There is another kind of AC, called evaporative cooling. That kind of cooling comes from a mist of water evaporating, which lowers the temperature of the air. Our bodies cool using evaporative cooling. We sweat, the sweat evaporates from our skin, and cools us.

Evaporative cooling systems, often known a "Swamp Coolers," only work in dry environments -- such as Arizona. In humid environments the water mist doesn't evaporate enough to do any significant cooling.

Although the radio's were saying 38 C (100 F)my outdoor thermometer was registering 40 C (104 F)in the shade. Have no idea what the humidity made it.
It is already dropping and should go down to almost 22 C (72 F). That won't be until around 4 & 5 am, then the sun comes up at 5:30 it will immediately start to rise again.

Wow, you need to run to Toronto. The temperature there is only 87F/30.5C. However, the heat index (humidex?) is 95F/35C, which is pretty miserable -- that's a lot of humidity.

It was cloudy all day, with a few sprinkles of rain, so the temperatures weren't bad. We only got to 87F/30.5C today here. But, that is about to change. The heat dome in the NE is spreading down here over the next few days. Here is the latest forecast.


Tropical Storm Alberto is giving Mexico and South Texas a much needed soaking. My sister has had on-and-off heavy rain in Houston, too.


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I just saw that areas all over New England had higher temps than I had today! I was lucky again today, as it didn't hit 90° again (only 89°!), and still not very humid. I don't know if that heat wave is just being delayed, or if it just isn't as bad as they have been predicting. Believe me, I'm not complaining! And days I see in the forecasts have lower temps, than some of those originally forecasted, though they are predicting some heat indexes over 100°, with that humidity. Still very little rain anywhere in the area, except occasional thunderstorms, due to the heat and humidity.
I just saw that areas all over New England had higher temps than I had today! I was lucky again today, as it didn't hit 90° again (only 89°!), and still not very humid. I don't know if that heat wave is just being delayed, or if it just isn't as bad as they have been predicting. Believe me, I'm not complaining! And days I see in the forecasts have lower temps, than some of those originally forecasted, though they are predicting some heat indexes over 100°, with that humidity. Still very little rain anywhere in the area, except occasional thunderstorms, due to the heat and humidity.

The heat dome is spreading to the West and South, although it is expanding that way, not moving that way, so the NE is still in it for a while.

It's only 6.00am here at the moment and it's 21 Celsius, no sunshine, the sky is a dirty white color, which means another extremely humid, hot and sticky day, with temperatures reaching mid 30s again. Obviously with high humidity it will feel like 40s!

I'll take advantage now it's cooler, and do some tidying up in the yard, pruning, weeding.


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We've been having HOT weather for days, but today it will only be 75 deg F. It rained last night after it being dry during the hot days. The end of the week into the week-end will be warmer but I think we'll be OKAY and get some gardening done again.
Well, we reached 40 centigrade this afternoon, I think that's about 104F? No sunshine all day, just very high humidity👿. Unbearable! It should get better from Sunday, I really hope so🙏.

My car thermometer


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Well, we reached 40 centigrade this afternoon, I think that's about 104F? No sunshine all day, just very high humidity👿. Unbearable! It should get better from Sunday, I really hope so🙏.

My car thermometer

What are Mediterranean sea water temperatures like now? Temps in the Gulf of Mexico are really high, and it's only June.


BTW, car thermometer readings are very unreliable. I use an iPhone app for that.

What are Mediterranean sea water temperatures like now? Temps in the Gulf of Mexico are really high, and it's only June.

View attachment 69694

BTW, car thermometer readings are very unreliable. I use an iPhone app for that.

Where did you get this image from? I'm wondering what the Chesapeake Bay water temp is. The Elizabeth River, a tributary, is half a block away from us.
Where did you get this image from? I'm wondering what the Chesapeake Bay water temp is. The Elizabeth River, a tributary, is half a block away from us.

They have detailed info on Chesapeake Bay temperatures, too.

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What are Mediterranean sea water temperatures like now? Temps in the Gulf of Mexico are really high, and it's only June.

View attachment 69694

BTW, car thermometer readings are very unreliable. I use an iPhone app for that.

Those temperatures are ridiculous. I'm not doubting them, but yikes.

I haven't been to an ocean beach in years, but I do not remember ever going to a beach on the ocean or sea, the Pacific, the Mediterranean, or the Baltic and the water was warm. It was always coldish, definitely colder than a heated swimming pool, definitely colder than those temperatures. I won't count the one time I went to a beach on the Atlantic because, it was on Iceland in early November and I didn't actually bother to feel the water. I was pretty sure it was icy.
Edited for clarity.
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What are Mediterranean sea water temperatures like now? Temps in the Gulf of Mexico are really high, and it's only June.

View attachment 69694

BTW, car thermometer readings are very unreliable. I use an iPhone app for that.


I'll have to check that out, about sea temperatures. I don't usually look at them as we live so far away from the sea, we're up in the hills - 368m above sea level - se we're slightly better off than those living down in town.
Sea water temperatures have an effect on general weather. In the Gulf of Mexico, they feed tropical weather systems during Hurricane season, making them grow into stronger storms, much faster than they would over cooler water.

I asked Meryl about the Mediterranean, because it may be a factor in the hot, humid weather Italy is experiencing.

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