What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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Sea water temperatures have an effect on general weather. In the Gulf of Mexico, they feed tropical weather systems during Hurricane season, making them grow into stronger storms, much faster than they would over cooler water.

I asked Meryl about the Mediterranean, because it may be a factor in the hot, humid weather Italy is experiencing.


I looked it up, the sea in the bay of Naples is 23C at the moment.
Don't know how to send the link. 🤔

We re going through the "Anticiclone Africano", which would normally arrive later July/August.
That's why we have yellow/grey skies, no wind or breeze, just stagnant, sticky air. 😕
Still HOT but not as humid.

This little heatwave started me thinking of summer growing up with no fans, air conditioning or ice in the door refrigerators.

Remember the lemon icebox pie, made in an old metal ice cube tray in the tiny refrigerator freezer compartment.

I was still using those ice cube trays at the cottage, original ones that came with the fridge. Ex's girlfriend toss them out - just because they were old! :mad: Argh, they were so handy for other things... like that Ice Box Cake.
Sounds like most of you are "sweltering" in the heat at the moment, just like us here🔥.
We're at 100 and rising! 🌡️
I was still using those ice cube trays at the cottage, original ones that came with the fridge. Ex's girlfriend toss them out - just because they were old! :mad: Argh, they were so handy for other things... like that Ice Box Cake.
People always think new is better. Yikes !!! I try to buy old stuff. All of my spatulas are American Stainless Steele from the 50's to the 70's. I buy that kind of things at estate sales and on ebay.
HOT! Plus, a phone pole went on fire down the road at 8:40am. Electric was on and off most of the day and not internet/cable till just now. But it's not 100% yet. Still drops.
It has been really pleasant here since it rained yesterday evening. It's currently 21°C (70°F) and feels like 23°C (73°F). That is a really pleasant change. We're expecting rain for this upcoming long weekend. It's St-Jean Baptiste, the national holiday of Quebec. Next week we get another long weekend for Canada Day.
It has been raining off and on all day. Thankfully stops just long enough to do some stuff outside and then it starts again. Son is trying to get the coop finished as I'm fetching them Monday.
So it is in the mid-70's now and although humid not like as before!
Pretty much rain all day Sunday with a few thunderstorms thrown in for good luck. (I'm worried about the garlic now)
Monday should see a high of 77F during the day and dropping to 58F :ohmy: for the night!
It was hot out there today, but even at 97°, and the higher humidity, it was breezy, so bearable. I went out mainly to check my drip irrigation lines, making sure none had clogged, and a couple of the rows I increased the time some, due to this heat every day. Now it's down to 95°, but a heat index of 103°, so it was a little higher when I was out there, but that was when almost the entire garden was in the shade, before it starts getting sunny again, before getting in the shade again, much later. Possible thunderstorms later, but I'm not turning off my watering timers, since it hasn't been showing up here.
We are expecting 50-100 mm of rain over the next 48 hours. That's 2" to 4". Enough that it could cause flooding or other problems.
pepper, I've never trusted "rain overnight" so as not to have to water the garden. I water anyhow - it's a 50 - 50 chance it doesn't rain.
The humidity has calmed down at last, and also those extremely high temperatures. We didn't reach 100s yesterday, we had a lovely breeze, a glimpse of blue sky, hope it will be the same today. Those three days were unbearable. It doesn’t mean it's over, of course, Summer has just begun. We'll get much more of it! I would just like it to be normal - sunshine, blue sky, not more than 30 Celsius - can't think what that is in Fahrenheit, at the moment 😀-and NO humidity. I would have to move up to the mountains to get this type of air, but I'd rather "grin and bear" it, down here in the hills.

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