What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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The HI "only" got to 103° here today, with with a high of 96°, so the humidity wasn't super high - only 44%, and later even lower. Possible rain keeps getting pushed later, but again, I'm not turning off my timers. I only went out to harvest those chives, and much earlier, the okra, out front, but I'd rather work when it's cooler out there!
@Meryl In general, I do not mind storms as long as the water stays where it should be. However, I do fear wind. When the wind kicks up, I want to go hide with the cats. Those pictures look like water went everywhere and the wind was brutal! But...were the spaghetti trees harmed? ;)

I've just looked up the spaghetti tree joke! 🤣 OMG, how could anyone ever believe that story!? 🙄🙄 I had never heard about this joke before, so I looked it up and I must say it was a very funny April Fool🤣! Some people actually phoned in to ask how they should cultivate these spaghetti trees! 😂 Ohhhh, it's just too ridiculous! 😂I'm gonna tell my family and friends about this, I don't know if anyone around here knew about this joke😁😁.

I have an idea, maybe for next April Fool's day, I will stick some marshmallows on trees, saying that it's a US popular cultivation and post a video on YouTube, what do you think? 😀
And did the wind make Meryl's poor meatball roll off of the table, and onto the floor, and did her poor meatball, roll right out the door?


No I managed to stop them😂.!! Even if the meatballs had rolled off the table, they definitely wouldn't have come from a plate full of spaghetti! 🤣
It isn't a typical dish here, meatballs yes, but not with spaghetti 🙂.
The Editors were chastised for that joke. Guess people didn't have a good sense of humor then. I thought it was very funny when I realized it was a joke. Read that the Editor was asked (just a few years ago) if he had any regrets and he said "Not a one!"
None of that rain overnight, that they predicted, though the rain dropped almost 20°, as predicted. 76° when I went out around 8:30 am, and it's not supposed to get much hotter, though the humidity still isn't going down. At least there will be some wind - supposed to be 20 to 30 mph much of the day.
We got rain overnight and are said to have storms today. I'm looking at sunshine. Welcome to the mid-Atlantic. It's getting up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and will drop to 70 degrees. But sticky.

I've just looked up the spaghetti tree joke! 🤣 OMG, how could anyone ever believe that story!? 🙄🙄 I had never heard about this joke before, so I looked it up and I must say it was a very funny April Fool🤣! Some people actually phoned in to ask how they should cultivate these spaghetti trees! 😂 Ohhhh, it's just too ridiculous! 😂I'm gonna tell my family and friends about this, I don't know if anyone around here knew about this joke😁😁.

I have an idea, maybe for next April Fool's day, I will stick some marshmallows on trees, saying that it's a US popular cultivation and post a video on YouTube, what do you think? 😀
Oh no, no. Marshmallows are indigenous Europe and parts of Asia and Africa! The US has a firm hold on M&M plants though! I've been told that it takes a lot of soil additives to have M&Ms grow elsewhere. I don't know of anyone growing them elsewhere so I don't know whether it is true of not. Grow some and let us know! :D
A front came through overnight - not enough help the plants much (only .06" rain), and only down to 69°, but the humidity came WAY down finally! At 11 am it was still only 73°, and 48% humidity, with sustained winds at 14 mph, and gusts in the 20s. Still no rain in the forecasts, until next Saturday, which means nothing, of course, but I like all those highs in the 70s, and lows in the high 50s, in this area.
We got rain overnight and are said to have storms today. I'm looking at sunshine. Welcome to the mid-Atlantic. It's getting up to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and will drop to 70 degrees. But sticky.

Oh no, no. Marshmallows are indigenous Europe and parts of Asia and Africa! The US has a firm hold on M&M plants though! I've been told that it takes a lot of soil additives to have M&Ms grow elsewhere. I don't know of anyone growing them elsewhere so I don't know whether it is true of not. Grow some and let us know! :D
Ah, the rain! I just want to breathe in some fresh air!
SE Wisconsin, 71 deg F sunshine, with 4 more days of nice temperatures and sun coming up, they say. It's so refreshing to have cool nights again. Everyone seems to sleep better with cool nights.
A front came through overnight - not enough help the plants much (only .06" rain), and only down to 69°, but the humidity came WAY down finally! At 11 am it was still only 73°, and 48% humidity, with sustained winds at 14 mph, and gusts in the 20s. Still no rain in the forecasts, until next Saturday, which means nothing, of course, but I like all those highs in the 70s, and lows in the high 50s, in this area.

A front came through here, too. We got a little rain, but not nearly enough to save my tiny backyard lawn. It is 85F right now, and humid. It was supposed to dry out behind the front.

It rained all day here. Not a heavy rain, but since it rained all day, the water had time to soak into our clay soil. We should see things perk up in the next few days. We got .75 inches over a 12 hour period in Frisco. Areas West of DFW got a lot of much needed rain. The title says "since last Thursday, but we got it all today where I live.


The temperatures are supposed to be much better for the next two weeks. Especially overnight temperatures.


It's been staying cool, for the last week, yesterday getting into the low 80s for the first time for a while, and today the AC came on for the first time, after I would cool the house off overnight, then close it up, so it would stay cool. Today it got to 84° outside, and each day it seems to get a little warmer, but still not at all humid, so still bearable, as long as I'm not in the sun, which is intense! That's why I mowed the back later yesterday, and the front early today.
It is only 80F right now, because it is overcast. We are getting a little rain, and a lot of humidity from the outermost bands of Hurricane Francine. No wind at all, just humidity and some sprinkles.

It's beginning to feel like autumn. But, that seems to have been a temporary visit from autumn. It was comfortably warm, around 23°C today and is supposed to be the beginning of a warm spell.
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