What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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The weather persons were right. It only got to 96F today, with a HI of 101F. That's ten degrees cooler. There was also a breeze.

Another cool night tonight, and another cool day, but going up a little, staying in the 70s, before the temp starts going into the 80s, each day the highs going up a little, getting into the high 80s Monday and Tuesday, with higher humidity, as well. But originally there were several 90+ days in the 10 day forecast, but none now, with only one 88° as the highest temp. I don't mind this! As long as that heatwave we had last September happens again.
It's been exceptionally cool here lately, but it looks like that stuff out in the midwest might be heading this way, with 90° and 95° the next two days, and the humidity is going up with it. Only 84° yesterday, with higher humidity, and 87° the forecast high for today. Scattered thunderstorms, due to the humidity, but very scattered, so I'm not turning off the timers.
They are saying a high of 91 deg F today and 92 tomorrow, then back into the 80's for the highest temperature this week.
We'll need to water the gardens and hose out the honey tent this week.
It's been exceptionally cool here lately, but it looks like that stuff out in the midwest might be heading this way, with 90° and 95° the next two days, and the humidity is going up with it. Only 84° yesterday, with higher humidity, and 87° the forecast high for today. Scattered thunderstorms, due to the humidity, but very scattered, so I'm not turning off the timers.

The high pressure system that has been baking us here in North Texas is supposed to move East durning the week.

It is 96F right now (1:45 PM) in Frisco, with a HI of 100F, but is forecast to be 84F one week from now. That is about ten degrees lower than normal. :)

Looks like another Summer storm is on its way. Yesterday afternoon it rained buckets, thunderbolts almost shaking the house, well that's the result of months of sweltering heat, it's not gonna get cooler though according to forecasts, just a short breather every now and then after the rain😕.


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Humidity has gone way up here again, yet no rain has come with it! Got down to 69° last night, but 95% humidity, so everything was wet when I got up, so that gives the plants a little water. Heat index supposed to be around 100°, and up to 105° tomorrow, or a couple more, according to some, with a temperature of 96 or 97° (been a few weeks since this kind of stuff!). Then Thursday, the forecast high is 77°!! Thunderstorms are forecast for tonight and tomorrow, but, as usual, I'm not turning off my timers.
I'm still impatiently waiting for that high pressure system to move out of here. It is not in any hurry. It was still pretty hot today. It is supposed to gradually get cooler as we head into the holiday weekend. I have plans for my smoker, so it would be nice to have cooler weather.

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Yesterday's storm caused floods and lots of damage all over our region, our nearby town was flooded too, as you can see from photos.😳 Two people missing in another town 40km away from us. We're OK as we live up in the hills. My land line's been down for two days, it could have been the lightening, they're checking it out now. 😒
Two days of storms are enough, I hope it's all over. Meteorologists have difficulty predicting these sudden eruptions,where and when the storm will hit and how strong! 🙄
Still extremely hot and humid outside.


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Yesterday's storm caused floods and lots of damage all over our region, our nearby town was flooded too, as you can see from photos.😳 Two people missing in another town 40km away from us. We're OK as we live up in the hills. My land line's been down for two days, it could have been the lightening, they're checking it out now. 😒
Two days of storms are enough, I hope it's all over. Meteorologists have difficulty predicting these sudden eruptions,where and when the storm will hit and how strong! 🙄
Still extremely hot and humid outside.

That is soo funny. You remember that? 1957. Even as a young girl I remember looking at that picture and thinking - what are they talking about! I was too naive to know they what they were actually doing. mum! - that's not true! what are they doing?
After the last two days in the 90's, we're at 77 deg F, what a great reprieve from the heat! It feels normal again!
We might get some little thunderstorms today on and off but the sun is shining right now.
Well, we are moving in the wrong direction. When is this cooler weather we've been promised going to arrive?


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