What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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I HATED driving through Texas way back when. Took two and a half days to get out of that sauna. LOL I did all the driving from NJ. Took a 24 hour sleep/rest break in Texas (so 3 and a half days). I think it was Abilene, TX where we stopped.

Only stopped two times on the way to AZ. First was in TN. The Smoky Mountains are beautiful.
I must say we ate at a Chinese Buffet in TX. The food was fantastic.
We ate at a place in AZ. My little DD wanted chicken soup. She couldn't eat it. It was so spicy. My aunt said maybe the cook was Mexican. I thought it was good, but I could eat spicy back then.
I must say we ate at a Chinese Buffet in TX. The food was fantastic.

I've only driven through Abilene. My neighbor worked there on a project for several months, and he said the people were nice, and there was plenty of good food available.

My family moved to Texas in 1974, and the heat was awful. It was on the coast, so the humidity was so bad, you could just about drink the air. At that time, only a few schools had air conditioning. For the first two years, my schools did not.

I've only driven through Abilene. My neighbor worked there on a project for several months, and he said the people were nice, and there was plenty of good food available.

My family moved to Texas in 1974, and the heat was awful. It was on the coast, so the humidity was so bad, you could just about drink the air. At that time, only a few schools had air conditioning. For the first two years, my schools did not.

The people were very nice. We were recommended several places to eat. Very good food. The Chinese stands out as I love Chinese food. LOL Someone told us the best laundry mat (cleanest and cheapest) to go to. LOL
The people were very nice. We were recommended several places to eat. Very good food. The Chinese stands out as I love Chinese food. LOL Someone told us the best laundry mat (cleanest and cheapest) to go to. LOL

I have a love/hate relationship with Texas. The politics here are deep red, which I don't like, and the summer heat, but for the most part, the people are pretty nice. And there is a lot of good food here.

Central Texas BBQ joints often have big community tables, which are long picnic tables where you often sit with people you have never met before. I've never had a bad experience in that kind of setting.

It is amazing how you can put a bunch of very different people at a table full of good food, and everyone talks to each other as if they are neighbors.

The best picture I could find online of the dining room of Cooper's BBQ in Llano, Texas.


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A cold front came through yesterday morning. We only got up to 91 on Friday, and we are forecast to stay in the low 90s well into next week. Looks like we might even get a few inches of rain next week from the remnants of Beryl.

BTW, my paternal grandmother's name was Beryl, and all the news and weather people on TV are pronouncing the name as "barrel." :mad: (proper pronunciation is more like "Burl")

Wow, you're colder than I am here! :LOL:

When I went out about 2:30 pm, I only stayed out about 45 minutes in the shaded area in the back, and was soaked when I got inside. When I checked the temp, it was up to 96° by then, and HI was 104° (both got 1° higher, before starting to creep down). It was breezy, but not as windy as earlier. I only picked one tomato, and only because it was the first ripe Green Brandy - many others I left for tomorrow! Still 94° and 100° HI at 7:30, so I'm not going out again. Now they say the humidity is coming way down tomorrow - even though the temp is still supposed to in the mid 90s, the "feels like" temp is supposed to be lower! Doesn't happen often around here.
A cold front came through yesterday morning. We only got up to 91 on Friday, and we are forecast to stay in the low 90s well into next week. Looks like we might even get a few inches of rain next week from the remnants of Beryl.

BTW, my paternal grandmother's name was Beryl, and all the news and weather people on TV are pronouncing the name as "barrel." :mad: (proper pronunciation is more like "Burl")

I would have thought a southern pronunciation would have been BayRole (or Roll). Stretching the Baaay out.
"Baaayroll? Y'all gots supper on'ne table yet?
I would have thought a southern pronunciation would have been BayRole (or Roll). Stretching the Baaay out.
"Baaayroll? Y'all gots supper on'ne table yet?

My grandmother was born and raised in Western Pennsylvania.

It was hotter here today than forecasted. I think there was less cloud-cover than expected.

Just got off the phone with my sister in Houston. As always, she's completely obsessed with all the terrible things that are going to happen when Beryl hits. We're going to get three feet of rain, and my house will flood, and my roof will blow off... I have to remind her that Beryl is not even a hurricane right now, and may or may not be a Cat1 hurricane when it hit land 100 miles away from her.

Her biggest obsession is losing power for days. It happens in Houston a few times a year, and every time it happens I tell her she needs to have some kind of back-up power source. And, every time she tells me all the reasons that every suggestion I make is not going to work.

Bottom line, she just likes to b*tch and moan about it. If she actually took any kind of preventative action, she would lose that. That, and it really irritates her if I am right about something.

It wasn't as bad as yesterday, but it didn't get as nice as they were predicting! The HI was 99°, so it was higher than the 95°, while I was outside later on, but there was almost no wind. I did what I could, then came back in. Tomorrow is the first "lawn trash" day for 3 weeks, so they are getting plenty from me, and I'm sure others, as well! And the dewpoints are forecasted to be well into the 70s again. All I can say in times like this is I can't stand heat, but my peppers (and maybe a few other things) love it! So something good comes from it. :LOL:
We are getting a lot of clouds, and a little rain from some of the outer bands of Beryl. Not nearly enough. The clouds kept temperatures down in the low 90s, but the humidity was rather stifling.

My sister in Houston didn't get any street flooding, let alone worse flooding. The hurricane moved through so fast, that there wasn't time for it. She did lose power, as expected. She doesn't know how long it will be off. They were at 2.5 million customers without electricity, but it's down to 2 million, now.

We are expecting leftover bits of Beryl to arrive on Wednesday.
The remnants of the storm Beryl will affect Southern Quebec beginning late in the day on Wednesday. Rainfall amounts between 40 and 80 millimetres are expected as well as moderate wind.Heavy rain may cause flash flooding and ponding on roads. There could be significant impacts on the afternoon commute in urban areas. Consider changing or delaying any non-severe essential travel.
Today was apparently hot and humid. I stayed inside with the airconditioning until after supper, when it had gotten quite pleasant.
We are expecting leftover bits of Beryl to arrive on Wednesday.

Today was apparently hot and humid. I stayed inside with the air conditioning until after supper, when it had gotten quite pleasant.

My air conditioning will be on until after Halloween. :ROFLMAO:

Actually, it is rather nice out tonight. 75F and a nice breeze from the North. That's rare in July in North Texas. It goes away tomorrow, but I'll take what I can get.

High of 95° today, with another HI of 102°, and getting higher the next two days. Almost no wind at all, so I did little outside. There might be more wind tomorrow, due to some of the breeze from Beryl, which is not hitting here directly, but pushing some disruption in the eastern area.

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