Hurricane Helene roll call please

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Was in touch with my friend last night. All's well. House is intact, friends and neighbours came over to help clean up the grounds. As at 1 am still no power but now fuel for a small generator and is now able to communicate with the outside world.
I just wish we had some of our members in the hurricane area posting here. So far, I haven't seen any. Which members here do live in the path the hurricane took? So far I know that @medtran49 and her DH are okay.
We weren't in the path, just got some weather from outer edge feeder bands. Hurricanes are HUGE, hundreds of miles across, even the smaller ones, and cause varying degrees of weather far, far out from the center devestating area weather. We only had a few days of light to heavy rain and occasional wind gusts of 30-35 MPH winds with the heaviest rain.

Don't look at the cones on TV and think that's the size of the storm. It's not. That cone is the area of where the center of the storm could travel. The centers of the storm are usually at least 20 miles across, sometimes smaller, sometimes much bigger. The storm itself is much, much, much, much larger than that cone.
I figured you probably weren't at the farm yet, but probably somewhere more rural than me. I was living here, in the same house. No fireplace, no gas in the house, no generator, all electric heating.

My fireplace kept me alive and relatively comfortable during the infamous Texas "Big Freeze" of 2021. I slept on a camping pad on the floor next to the fireplace.


I'm afraid I don't remember as I was in the traumatizing throes of selling and moving. Was just reading about it in wiki. (good article)
I remember that. Up here, people understood how horrible it was for you guys.

The "official" death toll was 246 people, but estimated deaths are over 700 -- (oops, no comment)

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