What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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Right now in Frisco...


Still better than last year... so far.


Got to 92° here today, and heat index of 101°, with that humidity around 55%. One more day like this, then a couple of days with highs in the 70s, but still very humid, due to the remains of Debbie in the area.
We've had such miserable hot humid weather lately. The forecast says that for the next 4 days we'll have highs in the 70's (F) and nights even in the 50's! That is relief. I might have to break out a sweater, slippers, mittens. (okay, not mittens) ;)
There are greens to pick after the rain we're getting tonight until noon tomorrow....it's so much nicer picking greens in the 70's! Like a dream come true. Thank God.
I asked my mom what the Dog Days of Summer were. Her version was late August, starting into September (which is late summer here) when it is hot, muggy and still, the ponds and streams are warm and getting an icky scum on it so you can't (or don't want!) to go swimming - nor should you let the dog go in!

Not to mention water borne diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid, hepatitis, polio.
She didn't list the diseases but she certainly knew about them, and she really just said mucky water will make you sick. and I think that was her point.
Yup, miserable, humid days of summer in August. Fun fact: they are called the dog days because it's at the same time as Sirius, the Dog Star, becomes the morning star again.
Today seems to be nice, but yesterday, oh my, it was rain non stop all day. Sometimes stronger, sometimes light, but study with dark skies, perfect weather to crol back to bed with cup of hot cocoa.
Today was another disgustingly humid day - 92° and 54% making the HI just over 100°. But while I was out at an appointment, briefly, fortunately, on my way back it rained just enough to to make it worse, not to water the plants! The humidity in my yard was 63%, when I got back, and still 92°, so the HI was close to 107°. When that rain started, I was wondering if the storms they had forecast were coming early, but it wasn't even enough to turn the wipers on for. Except, that is the law, no matter how light the rain. :LOL:
Today was another disgustingly humid day - 92° and 54% making the HI just over 100°. But while I was out at an appointment, briefly, fortunately, on my way back it rained just enough to to make it worse, not to water the plants! The humidity in my yard was 63%, when I got back, and still 92°, so the HI was close to 107°. When that rain started, I was wondering if the storms they had forecast were coming early, but it wasn't even enough to turn the wipers on for. Except, that is the law, no matter how light the rain. :LOL:
The rain finally got here at about 9:20 pm, and in just over 20 minutes, I had gotten over half an inch, with a lot more coming. The thunder and lightning stopped, so far, so I'll get back to cutting tomatoes for the dehydrator - have almost 5 trays filled, but I move away from the sink, when there's lightning! Temperature down to 80°, probably lower, and more rain now.
Now the rainfall is up to 1.22", with the worst forecast for later. Temperature is down to 74°, and tomorrow there is a forecast high of 77°, then 75° Thursday, but almost constant rain, and of course, humidity.
A little more on North Texas weather, and how I mentioned before that it is not as bad as last year. The most experienced meteorologist here is Pete Delkus, and he put it into perspective.


Basically, what a lot of you think of as unusually hot weather is pretty normal here. IMO, that is something to worry about. When I read about Texas weather happening in New Jersey, I get worried about the next generation.

Last summer here was brutal. This year is more normal. But this kind of weather is normal for North Texas, not places as far North as Canada.

I got very little rain after midnight - only .07", so the total was the same as a couple of nights ago: 1.24". Much cooler today, with only 77° forecast high, and a couple of degrees lower Thursday. But humidity very high - 93%, when I went out a couple of hours ago, so 76° didn't feel that great! No rain since I've been up (I don't think?), as it looks like it's all going south of here, until maybe this evening, again.

I actually saw about 3 minutes of sunshine a little bit ago! I knew that wouldn't last long.
Okay, I spoke too soon about this summer being better than last summer. I just ran a couple of errands, and it was brutal out there. I'm talking Phoenix temperatures...


Feels like 117? No, feels like the gates of Hell.

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