Stray Thoughts 2.0

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Two weekends ago my son flew the Quebec flag for St Jean Baptiste holiday there. Last weekend he flew the Canadian flag for Canada Day. Now he has an American flag for July 4th.
A girl walked by and I thought she said something about the flowers. I just sort of nodded and smiled, thinking Wow, if those baskets impressed her what about my neighbours whole front yard is a mass of flowers!
Then she said "How're you doing? I said "Very Hot!" (I was weeding, gahh) her reply "sure is" Then (thinnking of casey) I called out "At least it isn't Texas"

only afterwards did I realize she was talking about the FLAG not the flowers! How weird is that!
20 Lanes Highway in Ontario Canada

It is the only 20 Lanes Highway in Ontario and it is part of Highway 401 in Toronto, near the interchange with Highway 427.
This section is considered one of the busiest and widest in North America, accommodating a large volume of traffic with its multiple lanes and collector-express system.

and my son wonders why I'm willing to pay $75.00 to take a toll route when going to visit family/friends on the other side of Toronto.
20 Lanes Highway in Ontario Canada

It is the only 20 Lanes Highway in Ontario and it is part of Highway 401 in Toronto, near the interchange with Highway 427.
This section is considered one of the busiest and widest in North America, accommodating a large volume of traffic with its multiple lanes and collector-express system.
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and my son wonders why I'm willing to pay $75.00 to take a toll route when going to visit family/friends on the other side of Toronto.
That's a fun stretch of road.
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