Stray Thoughts 2.0

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
In Arizona, we go through SOOOOOO much moisturizer, it's just plain stupid!
I SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much prefer the weather here in Hawaii over Arizona ... and than let's talk about the artesian natural well water here in Hawaii, filtered through multiple layers of volcanic rock ... so much nicer and gentler on the skin and hair.
Why does dust on furniture have to exist?
Why are our houses and cars and yards never pristine clean all at the same time. It is the race that will never end keeping all of those clean at the same time.
Thinking they might have to officially change the name of "Spareribs" to something else. There's so much meat on them now-a-days. I don't think it right to call them "rib bones are spare of meat" anymore.
Under the "useless information file" but interesting...

The Canadian 'loonie' was first issued in June 1987.
The Canadian 'toonie' was then issued in Feb. 1996.
the smallest Canadian bill is now the $5.00 bill.

there are other versions of the coins depicting various scenes but the loon and the bear were the first ones.
Under the "useless information file" but interesting...

The Canadian 'loonie' was first issued in June 1987.
The Canadian 'toonie' was then issued in Feb. 1996.
the smallest Canadian bill is now the $5.00 bill.
View attachment 69801 reverse View attachment 69802
View attachment 69803 there are other versions of the coins depicting various scenes but the loon and the bear were the first ones.

A certain politician here wants to bring back the $500 bill (USD). The last time we had a $500 bill was 1928-1934, and it had President McKinley's face on it. Hmmmm, what happened in 1929 that led to the demise of the $500 bill?

Take a wild guess whose face would be on the new one?

A certain politician here wants to bring back the $500 bill (USD). The last time we had a $500 bill was 1928-1934, and it had President McKinley's face on it. Hmmmm, what happened in 1929 that led to the demise of the $500 bill?

Take a wild guess whose face would be on the new one?

I wish that they would bring back the $500.00 and $1,000.00 bill.

I doubt that it will ever happen as we move to a cashless society and increased concerns over counterfeiting.
plus I understand that Canada did at one time have a $3.00 bill.
But not the U.S. although they had a gold coin at one point.
$3.00 bill? I don't think so. Aren't you thinking of $2.00? We had those until we got the twonies. They had $2.00 bills in the US, but enough people didn't want them, that they were never much in circulation. The story I heard was that back in the day, it cost $2.00 for a hooker and those bills were associated with that.
$3.00 bill? I don't think so. Aren't you thinking of $2.00? We had those until we got the twonies. They had $2.00 bills in the US, but enough people didn't want them, that they were never much in circulation. The story I heard was that back in the day, it cost $2.00 for a hooker and those bills were associated with that.
I have heard similar stories, that it was rude to offer a two dollar bill to a woman or a sort of guilt by association if a man carried two dollar bills but we also have had two dollar betting windows at the horse track. 🤔

When I lived in Niagara Falls, New York I saved the loonies and gave them to the airport skycaps as tips, they were not thrilled. 🤭

Our Susan B. Anthony dollar coins are rarely used by anyone other than the Tooth Fairy. 😉🧚🦷
I have heard similar stories, that it was rude to offer a two dollar bill to a woman or a sort of guilt by association if a man carried two dollar bills but we also have had two dollar betting windows at the horse track. 🤔

When I lived in Niagara Falls, New York I saved the loonies and gave them to the airport skycaps as tips, they were not thrilled. 🤭

Our Susan B. Anthony dollar coins are rarely used by anyone other than the Tooth Fairy. 😉🧚🦷
I was always told two dollar bills were bad luck. I like the hooker and horse gambling stories better. My mom told me they were bad luck. She never said why.
From Banknotes of the Canadian dollar, via Wiki-
Until 1858, many notes were issued denominated in both shillings/pounds and dollars (5 shillings = $1 therefore 1 pound = $4). A large number of different denominations were issued, including $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $10, $20, $25, $40, $50, $100, $500, $750 and $1,000.
A certain politician here wants to bring back the $500 bill (USD). The last time we had a $500 bill was 1928-1934, and it had President McKinley's face on it. Hmmmm, what happened in 1929 that led to the demise of the $500 bill?

Take a wild guess whose face would be on the new one?

Taylor Swift? LOL
From Banknotes of the Canadian dollar, via Wiki-
Until 1858, many notes were issued denominated in both shillings/pounds and dollars (5 shillings = $1 therefore 1 pound = $4). A large number of different denominations were issued, including $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $10, $20, $25, $40, $50, $100, $500, $750 and $1,000.
I stand corrected. However, Canada wasn't a country yet when those $3 notes were issued.
The creation of the Dominion of Canada was 1867 - it doesn't say when they stopped printing all those bills. Plus they certainly weren't U.S. dollars, nor were they probably recognized in Britain even tho they said shillings, etc. More likely to help British coming over to understand the monetary equals.
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