What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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I only had about 1½" of snow, but it changed to freezing rain, and a freezing layer formed on my snow, on the walks and my car, which made it harder to remove. It was still coming down when I started getting it off, and it was still sleeting a little when I finished. I salted everything, and came inside, after just 35 minutes, but seemed like much longer. Tomorrow is supposed to get much colder, and very windy, and I hopefully won't be going outside to do anymore of this.
Snow is a foot or two high still, temperature 3 deg F, sunshine for the 3rd day, beautiful sunny skies.
We got above freezing for the first time since last Friday. It is 42F right now.

Took a moment to realize you were talking centigrade in your summer down there!

Was thinking you were right there with us up here in the North! :D
We've been having exceptionally mild temperatures recently, yesterday afternoon was 17 degrees (about 62F),not normal for this time year,but apparently in the weekend temps will suddenly drop below zero, then rise again! Our weather is doing a yo-yo job🤣.
We've been having exceptionally mild temperatures recently, yesterday afternoon was 17 degrees (about 62F),not normal for this time year,but apparently in the weekend temps will suddenly drop below zero, then rise again! Our weather is doing a yo-yo job🤣.

Winter weather in North Texas does that every winter/spring. I call it "weather whiplash." Once I went to work one morning wearing slacks and a short-sleeve polo. I drove home in an ice storm. The temperature dropped almost fifty degrees (F) in about four hours.

One winter in Montreal a man driving his BMW broke down on the Decarie Expressway. He had no boots, no overcoat, no gloves, scarf nor hat. Idiot! I imagine he walked inside from his house to garage, drove to the office and parked underground. Never having to step outside.
There was high winds, blowing snow and slush from salt on the road.

Right now in Waterdown, ON it is 19 F with light snow. Might get up to 25 today. Supposed to be 14 overnight. Warmer than yesterday that was high of 20, low 9. Lots of wind too. A bit chilly!
Only got down to 19° in back of my house last night. Already up to 30° at 11 am, and is supposed to get to 35° sometime today, but more snow tomorrow, followed by severe cold. But...by the end of the week, there is a forecast high of 55°! More precipitation, by then, but in the form of rain.
There's still a lot of fog and accumulated snow on the ground. The scary part is the ice. While they have cancelled the Ice Storm Warnings, the ice is still there. DH said we could make it to MIL's today, so I packed up some planned leftovers for her, got my boots on and the Bill Box ready too. Then DH comes in and says he'll put the studded tires on and IF there is still time, we'll go to Mom's. o_O But, better safe than sorry.
Absolutely, to be better safe than sorry. Calculate your time there and check the weather expected for on your way home too!
It was sunny and 56F today, but bitter cold is coming back tonight. 24F overnight, and only up to 36F tomorrow, and just as bad the next few days. Then warmer -- 50s and 60s next wee, but with three days of rain -- heavy rain on Monday.

As of 10 am, I have gotten about 1½" of snow, with 3-6" forecast. Fortunately, just below freezing, so won't be too bad when I go out and clean it up. And I'll have to do this today, as it is getting much colder overnight, and staying that way, with single digit wind chills, so I'll be finishing this in the dark! :(
It's frickin' cold again in North Texas. It is 1:30 PM now, and the temperature is 30F.

😡Our first snow this Winter is forecast for tomorrow morning, but it's 14 centigrade (about 57f) at the moment, and it's nearly 10pm!!! 🤔
It's slowed down enough that I went out to clear the snow around 3:50 pm, and had it done in less than an hour. There was over 4", but it wasn't freezing up, like it did last time, so it cleared quickly. Originally, it wasn't supposed to be stopping until around 10 pm (!), and I would have been out there close to that, but when I went out, they had moved that back to 6 pm, and it had almost stopped, when I finished, going over the walks one last time, then putting the salt down, one last time. I re-filled the bucket with calcium chloride, and I still hadn't spent an hour out there. It's still 31°, but the high tomorrow is supposed to get to just 25°, with bad wind chills. I won't be going out there tomorrow, barring any emergency!

Update - it started snowing lightly again, lightly coating my car, but it finally stopped around 6:30, so I went out and brushed it off - the walks stayed just wet, from the salt. If I had left it there, it would have been a frozen sheet tomorrow.
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