Got part of my fence painted this afternoon with that oxblood-colored paint. It looks like an axe-murderer ran amok. But I like it.
Took a little ride this morning to a blueberry farm where their crop has just come in. I felt like Sheryl Crow in her "All I Wanna Do" song, where she and the guy next to her at the bar were getting their beer buzz, watching the good people across the street washing their cars. I bought 2 lbs. of berries from the already picked fridge while the good people were out in the field with buckets, picking their own. Cuz I'm old, that's why -- and besides they're only saving a buck a pound from the ready to go ones. I stopped at the store on the way home and bought a ready-made pie crust. Woe is me. Fatter is me, also.
PS - thanks for the Anzac info, Kylie.