Going MIA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
taxi, I am saddened to hear of your loss. You will be in my thoughts as you work your way through this tragedy.
Thank you everyone. Knowing that there is this caring community really helps and the condolences are appreciated.
Glad to see ya back on the board @taxlady
How's everything?
Thank you for asking. Not great. I have fewer brains than usual. I'm starting to sleep a little better and longer. There's so many things to deal with. Mostly I come here to read and post to get my mind off of everything I have to do.

I have no interest in cooking. So far, I have ruined a steak, reheated some resto pasta leftovers, and poached an egg in the microwave and put it on toast. It really is a lot more fun to cook for more than just yourself. I wonder how other people motivate themselves. I guess it's a bit easier if you have an appetite.
Thank you for asking. Not great. I have fewer brains than usual. I'm starting to sleep a little better and longer. There's so many things to deal with. Mostly I come here to read and post to get my mind off of everything I have to do.

I have no interest in cooking. So far, I have ruined a steak, reheated some resto pasta leftovers, and poached an egg in the microwave and put it on toast. It really is a lot more fun to cook for more than just yourself. I wonder how other people motivate themselves. I guess it's a bit easier if you have an appetite.
Totally understand. Please know that you are normal. Grief comes in waves. Just hold on and know that Stirling wouldn't want to bring any pain. Hang on!
Taxy, I am just getting caught up on the news. I am so sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself and give yourself all the time you need.
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