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    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks replied to the thread Petty Vents.
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks replied to the thread Petty Vents.
      Well, maybe you were feeling angry? (I say this from a very scary angle - flames reach widely!) Honestly though Dragn, do you think you...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Saturday 2024 July 6 Supper with Love Love.
      Tonight was my first anniversary without my sweet Stirling. I decided to have something that he liked and would have been a likely meal...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Eggs, getting eggs! with Haha Haha.
      Although this is not about cooking eggs (albeit indirectly with the results of the labours of the hens) it is about the chickens that...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      I have no space like that Pepper! My plants are all in pots/planters. I only need 1 or two plants to thrive, but I guess that is...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Sad Sad.
      In one bed I have tomato plants, eggplants, peppers. Tomatoes and eggplants are slowly wilting away. One tomato started, the others...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      All of them simply wilted Bliss. There just wasn't enough sun I guess? (They were all plants from a supplier I have used for years...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks replied to the thread Garden 2024.
      Okay, here we are in early July. It would appear I will have no home-grown tomatoes this year. Neither will I have peppers...
    • KatyCooks
      Blimey Dragn, that is a lot of veg! Honestly sounds delicious particularly with that vinaigrette! (But I might have added some bacon...
    • KatyCooks
      I managed to "dehydrate" fish fingers (courtesy of Bird's Eye.) I declined to eat them at all but my brother simply said "they were...
    • KatyCooks
      I'll mention one thing that I certainly would not do and that is to preheat an empty plate in the m/w. Without something on the plate to...
    • KatyCooks
      I have no problem with threads wandering, but people addressing me directly trying to get me to give up what I'm doing rather than...
    • KatyCooks
      That's useful information, thank you! I did some research, and found a lot of claims about how microwaving (they never specify...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks reacted to medtran49's post in the thread Pouring fudge dilemma? with Like Like.
      I've kept the peanut butter fudge I occasionally make for up to a month since Craig used to not eat sweets before accident and...
    • KatyCooks
      KatyCooks reacted to blissful's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Love Love.
      Our vegetable gardens still look pretty much like a big blank canvas with things just beginning. Seedlings are only a few inches tall...
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