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  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Frozen Prunes.
    If I didn't know better I might incline to think that this is a tad sarcastic. I wonder who "LovelyLinda" really is..
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    Excellent. I have a bit of time to work out what to do with it!(y)
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    I suspect you might have been perfectly happy with it Dragn!! LOL (Or at least been polite and eaten it all for me!!) ;-) I guess...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    I was thinking of combining rather than spreading GG. The fudge isn't soft enough to spread. Very frustrating, as I was quite close...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    Just out of interest here. Fudge has a very high sugar content (obviously) which would ordinarily make it quite long lasting. But it...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    Interesting GG! My mind is racing now - do you reckon I could mix up the fudge with chopped nuts, and some oats and somehow make it...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    Aw, thanks medtran! (And in my defence, my fudge was super smooth - the only "grains" were the sea salt flakes that were sprinkled on...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    I think the whole sugar content here is far too much for me Aunt Bea. I rarely eat ice cream. (I rarely eat fudge either, but I do...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    I am deeply envious of the wonderful things being grown here! Look at those tomatoes!! My pitiful efforts are being thwarted by the...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Frozen Prunes.
    Hm, those oatmeal bars seem interesting Aunt Bea. Seems like I have the right amount of prunes available and all of the other...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    My work colleagues are a decent bunch and well-used to me using them as guinea pigs for my baking experiments! LOL (Generally, they...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks posted the thread Frozen Prunes in General Cooking.
    Some time ago, I had cause to buy a tin of prunes in apple juice. I used about a quarter of the tin, and thought it would be wasteful...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Wednesday dinner, June 12, 2024? with Like Like.
    Done... and delish! Tuscan Butter Shrimp (compliments of Andy. although the spinach hit the compost, was replaced with last of the...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Wednesday dinner, June 12, 2024? with Love Love.
    Went to a celebration of life for Stirling, my late husband. It was in an Irish pub where we often had celebrations with friends. I had...
  • KatyCooks
    KatyCooks replied to the thread Pouring fudge dilemma?.
    And failure! Didn't firm up very much. I was just about able to cut it into chunks, but it was very soft and sticky. Tasted okay...
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