Going MIA

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Has anyone seen or heard anything about @Cooking Goddess ??
I sent a PM through DC as well a personal email - no response - getting concerned ...
Here I Am! I am never never never moving again in my entire life.

Which, with the way things are going, I might not be unpacked before I die. :LOL: My lord did we get rid of stuff before we moved. How have we ended up with so much stuff on this end?

I'll be more regular around here in a month or so. And when I come back, I'm bringing photos of the new place!
Here I Am! I am never never never moving again in my entire life.

Which, with the way things are going, I might not be unpacked before I die. :LOL: My lord did we get rid of stuff before we moved. How have we ended up with so much stuff on this end?

I'll be more regular around here in a month or so. And when I come back, I'm bringing photos of the new place!
Take your time, get unpacked but be ready before football season starts.
We all do, MsMofet. I miss multiple people actually.

Yeah, I'm glad that CG is posting again. Football season is coming and she's a Cleveland fan and I'm a Steelers fan, so it's time for us to get into some smack talk. :cool: :ROFLMAO:

I'd also like to hear more from K-Girl. I know she's dealing with an elderly mom, as I am. But, she is closer in proximity to her mom, so has a lot more work she has to do. I just manage finances and pay bills from 200 miles away.

People come and go. I disappeared for a few years, but came back. It happens.

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