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Kathleen, I'm glad my question has helped. Please keep us up to date with your progress in the guest room and how well (or not) the question is working for you. I'm hoping for some inspiration.
Back from Seattle. I've been gearing up for Frank's birthday on the 12th. Also, @taxlady, the suggestion of "would I keep this if it were covered in poop" works GREAT! I've delivered 12 bags of donatable items to Red Cross and have still been going strong! I hope the momentum lasts! My guestroom is shaping up! I had kitten-help, of course.

Also, @blissful, I got my raised bed put together for the garlic. And I have pre-ordered onions from Dixonfarms.
Welcome back & those helpers are growing up!!!
Ever since my parents moved / downsized ( twice ), we realized how much stuff they accumulated over the years, and what a process it was to go through and keep/donate/ throw out , that my wife and I now ( at least 2 or 3 times a year) go through everything we think we need / or want to keep, and donate it. Its was such a process the two times with my parents, and we dont want it to be a burden for my kids when we're in the same situation .
**Love the cats in the bed! ***
Woo Hoo, I'm so glad you have it put together!
I'm pretty happy with it. And I have garlic in the ground....perhaps this will be our year for garlic! And the sun will shine on it for most of the day!


Welcome back & those helpers are growing up!!!
They are five and one-half months now. Osha and Ygritte are about 5 to 5.5 pounds. Mance, on the other hand, is 8.7 pounds. He is like a linebacker of kittens. He is very solid and his paws continue to grow.
Ever since my parents moved / downsized ( twice ), we realized how much stuff they accumulated over the years, and what a process it was to go through and keep/donate/ throw out , that my wife and I now ( at least 2 or 3 times a year) go through everything we think we need / or want to keep, and donate it. Its was such a process the two times with my parents, and we dont want it to be a burden for my kids when we're in the same situation .
**Love the cats in the bed! ***
Whether I get through everything or not, we will definitely be a burden to our nieces and nephew when we are done with this house. Sorry, not sorry....sorta. We will ensure we leave something to talk about for years to come as did my one grandmother who left behind a his/hers Adam and Eve bra and panty set. Fig leaves for him and her! Momma was scandalized but my sister and I laugh about it today. :D

Kittens on the bed are adorable. We are trying to teach them that, "If we lounge on it, they can too" so the counter and tabletops are off-limits or are supposed to be. :LOL:

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