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Since about February we've been on an organizing/sorting/throwing away/donating kick. We are limited by volume to throwing out by a big weekly bin. Every wednesday at between 3 and 7 pm, him and I go through some area of the house, boxes or storage, in every room of the house. Once the bin is full, we are done for the week. It's both exhausting and satisfying. And when we've done every room basement included, then we will thin again, through every box or area, and label anything in generic boxes. (china, fabric, christmas decorations, carving tools...)

A friend of mine that is way ahead of all the organizing has a sister that sells at flea markets. Her sister helps her taking her flea market items to market.
dWondering why I cannot coordinate life's little easy to manage daily assignments. For example, bought some steaks (T-bone) on sale... never asked when they would be home same time as myself. So decided and froze all except I cut out the tenderloin portion of one for myself. Still sitting in the fridge. Too poop to pop, both yesterday (should have known) and today... another should have known after picking up kids and therapy.... 5 o'clock traffic was horrid, so later than usual.... had some bread and butter for supper.
Guess this should be in petty vents but, well, .... this is what I'm doing,
... maybe I'll cook that darn steak tomorrow or at least unwrap and air dry it for a day or so.
Hmmm, tomorrow, take kids to school, dentist, gym (pool or gym or both) garden? still not finished! or what the heck, maybe a nap? will it rain? Call podiatrist again, need an appointment.
Going to bed.... good night. (is this facebook? arghhh)
This weekend has blurred. I went to dig up tulips in a public park, which is one of the park's yearly fundraisers. Someone who wanted to go drove to my house. As she pulled in behind my car, she hit the curb, panicked and hit the accelerator instead of the brake plowing into the back of my poor little car. Yay.

On a plus side, I have started to paint my basement so that I can drag it from "semi-finished" to "sorta-finished." It needs a floor as the original tile are falling apart. I am thinking of doing self-adhesive ceiling tiles. I just had French drains and a sump pump installed, and today I started to paint. Gratifying, but the weekend is pretty much lost.
Digging thru my medicine bag looking for waterproof sticky stuff. Dropped a large, heavy, pointy cornered wooden carving board on my thigh (air turned blue). Want to go swimming tomorrow but don't want the chlorine to get to it. thinking of plastering it with Polysporin and then gauze with a large water proof sticky thing on top. Hoping this will not only protect the cut but also not worry anyone there that I might contaminate the community by infecting the water!

Also hoping I can get the blood out of the new summer sweat pants I was wearing. Board didn't cut the material, just the old dragn's thin skin. Great, another scar.

LOL, people see the scars on my arms and I tell them I used to do professional knife fighting.
Another funny note in my life. Surgeon who was going to do the tendon releases and another carpal tunnel, froze for a split second when she saw all the scars on my inner wrist. LOL - I could just see the thoughts running thru her mind. OMG - this patient is suicidal! But she moved on smoothly and just sort of pointed to them. It was all I could do to keep a polite and straight face.
Whale watching from the lanai of our apartment in Honolulu
diamond head view.jpg

In the condo, there's a great pair of binoculars and it's so cool that we're able to see a few Whale now and again. Most of them have taken off, but there's usually coupla strays this time of the year.
As fate would have it, I have stumbled into a complete remodel of the front room in our basement. It started with waterproofing the basement. Then I painted the walls to "make them look better." While visiting a friend, another friend of my friend's roommate was laying tile. I complimented the extremely nice job he was doing and he replied that he was between construction jobs and decided to help my friend out. Long story short is that he is very talented. He started by making a top to finish the trellis on my garden gate. Then, he created a bar out of a piece of countertop that came from my grandparent's old diner. Both looked great., but the floor was in sad shape....and the room really had no ceiling. It now has a ceiling and the floor work starts tomorrow. But...all I originally planned was to get my gate trellis restored. :giggle:
As fate would have it, I have stumbled into a complete remodel of the front room in our basement. It started with waterproofing the basement. Then I painted the walls to "make them look better." While visiting a friend, another friend of my friend's roommate was laying tile. I complimented the extremely nice job he was doing and he replied that he was between construction jobs and decided to help my friend out. Long story short is that he is very talented. He started by making a top to finish the trellis on my garden gate. Then, he created a bar out of a piece of countertop that came from my grandparent's old diner. Both looked great., but the floor was in sad shape....and the room really had no ceiling. It now has a ceiling and the floor work starts tomorrow. But...all I originally planned was to get my gate trellis restored. :giggle:
Cold and rainy day!

The recent V-8 thread prompted me to make a loaf pan of Spanish rice and while the oven is on I added a foil pouch with several small new potatoes to roast/steam.

My efforts to unstuff my little apartment are finally showing some results but I still have much to do.

It’s a bit disappointing to find that things I’ve cherished most of my life are of little interest to anyone but me.

Oh well, the beat goes on … 😉🤭😂
Cold and rainy day!

The recent V-8 thread prompted me to make a loaf pan of Spanish rice and while the oven is on I added a foil pouch with several small new potatoes to roast/steam.

My efforts to unstuff my little apartment are finally showing some results but I still have much to do.

It’s a bit disappointing to find that things I’ve cherished most of my life are of little interest to anyone but me.

Oh well, the beat goes on … 😉🤭😂
Yeah, it's much easier to get rid of that kind of things when you find someone who actually wants them.
I have so many treasures - mostly my parents that I grew up with and quite a few of my grandparents that my parents grew up with. And a lot of them more than 100 years old! I love them as you do Kathleen.
It's killing me that the youngers do not see them as I do. It is very possible that one of the reasons is - although they did see and know them - we lived far away and visits were limited. It never dawned on me, back then, there would be such a lack of familiar memories by just not being there on a regular basis.
That's the problem with families now-a-days. Everyone lives so far apart - the memories for them are just not the same.
I think it's also a question of taste. Younger people nowadays don't want the Royal Copenhagen or Wedgewood fancy figurines or sets of plates etc. They don't want sterling silver cutlery sets. They don't want the antique furniture.
Absolutely right, taxy. But... what goes around, comes around. Spoke with a person I bumped into one day (at one of the kids extra curriculars) she was an interior decorator. I asked her about antique furniture. Reply was "Amazing how some people are still into it. It comes and goes in surges. Don't give up hope!"
But TTT - I want my kids to want them. Yeah, they'll fetch a price if they're willing to try and wait, but that's not the point is it.
I think it's also a question of taste. Younger people nowadays don't want the Royal Copenhagen or Wedgewood fancy figurines or sets of plates etc. They don't want sterling silver cutlery sets. They don't want the antique furniture.
Or lack thereof? When we moved from CA to WA, we had to let go of a lot of stuff. We didn't have a place to move to. We planned to travel by RV until we found a place that found like home. So, I had to ask myself, how much $ am I willing to pay to store "this" or "that". A lot of stuff went to the Salvation Army or Freecycle. I kept Mom's jewelry (costume stuff), a couple of her favorite shirts, her treasured silver and her Lingerie Chest. She was so proud of that chest. It was probably the first piece of store-bought brand new furniture she ever bought...and I remember the day. It doesn't go with my bedroom stuff, but I do not care!
Ginny, Whether it's Oak, Pine, Walnut, stained, painted who cares - if they are family, they all match!

to add some reminiscence:
my ex and I bought this old fantastically beautiful 6 ft long buffet. had many types of wood in it - pine, walnut, oak, tiger's eye, bird's eye - was an amazing piece. I spent the summer sanding and varnishing. Although warped it was still amazing. When we moved and built - I specified windows had to be 6 ft apart in the dining room to fit the buffet. (came in one day- told the builder, Hey! that's not 6 ft! - he grumbled and had to re-frame that wall -LOL). But it was perfect. Gave it to my ex as I had no room for it at the farm. Can you imagine my shock - going to ex's new place for Christmas dinner - his girlfriend had sent it out to be refinished where you could not distinguish the different woods - and had the back splash replaced as the guy told her it was not the original. I nearly died of shock. Didn't say a word but .... end of story.
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My basement front room is completed! What started out as a very small job turned out to be a total room remodel. I'm posting some photos. Two are the before and after pictures! The third is an ad someone gave me of my grandparent's diner and service station. I really hope I will be able to find a photo.

In the room, the counter top of the bar and the booth are from the diner. I love how the room turned out and absolutely love sitting in the booth. My parents used the booth as our "dining room table" for many years.

burch's grill.jpg

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