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Mr bliss had another bloody finger, the saw threw a piece of wood at him and he caught it in the finger. Last week.
We were running low on gauze.
I boiled 2 nearly new tea towels ($1/each) in water for 15 minutes, dried them in the oven.
Tore off the hemmed edges to use to hold bandages in place or a tourniquet. Rolled that like yarn in a ball.
Tore the towels in 1.5-2 inch strips, ironed and rolled them for bandages.
Now that we have them, hopefully we'll never need them for anything.
The online dollhouse/miniature group I belong to has a project each month, though it usually runs a bit over since it takes time to get supplies for some, me included. August's project is a Persian Grand Bazaar. Mine is going to be a rug/home decor stall, with a small food market.

I got a clear acrylic box that's a little over 14w X 10d X 8h inches. Found some laser cut cardboard stock in a Persian pattern to make arches, and some Moroccon tile window privacy film for the back wall. I have some metal filigree pieces to decorate the outside as well. Laid them out on the top, but they might be too much. They can be added later.

Finally got all the lattice work that I have cut, painted, and installed. I miscalculated and had to order a few more pieces. If I ever do something like this again, I'm using spray paint. Brushing it on took forever. I cut and installed the Moroccan tile pattern window film on the back wall of the box. Need to take the box out on the porch and take a picture so the light comes through the back.

Sanded and painted a couple of plastic vegetable bins so they look more like wood.

Sorted through everything and organized.

Put air drying clay in some bread molds. They will dry for a bit, then I'll remove them, make some more, and then once I have enough will paint.

I did some gluing on some box stools/tables too. Covering the top piece with fabric.

Dolled up a couple of mirrors that will be for sale with some rhinestones. Lots of patience required for that. The rhinestones I used are 2mm.


Had to take a break. My patience and back have had it for a while. Going to cut some balsa wood strips for shelving, and hopefully get some cut to start on the floor later.
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Just saw a knife in a picture of my dinner the other day and reminded me that I had etched a bunch of "stuff" just for fun. Using the drill I carve the eggs with - also does glass.
just foolin' around...

mushrooms other side just a design.

Just remembered I put a giraffe on one for my SIL, she collects them. Don't think I took a pic. I should practice and do some better ones.
Holy catfish! Very nice. Are meercats kept as pets?
Love the carpets!

So funny was just headed towards this thread but think I will start a different one. ...and other fails!
Holy catfish! Very nice. Are meercats kept as pets?
Love the carpets!

So funny was just headed towards this thread but think I will start a different one. ...and other fails!

Yes, meerkats can be kept as pets, as can prairie dogs, chinchillas, ferrets, etc. BUT, they are going to smell, just like any other  wild pets, and are social pack animals so keeping just 1 is not recommended.
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Prairie dogs too. Huh, well, I guess almost anything can be kept as pets if one is willing to adapt.
Yeah, we discussed getting a couple once as we had stopped to get rats for Craig's snake at the exotic pet store and they had some babies. He came out to get me and our DD to come in and look at them. She fell in love with them, she was a young teen at the time. Told her we'd have to first see what kind of care and housing arrangements they required first. After doing that, she decided maybe she didn't love them that much. She also wanted a hedgehog and flying squirrel as well at various times. She did talk me into buying some poison dart frogs when we were vending at a reptile show once and our neighbor was selling them. Have to admit they were neat. Their skin felt like high quality patent leather. They ended up being my PDFs eventually though.

Craig had a skunk years ago. They are pretty smart creatures. It did get along with the dogs, even though they weren't quite sure about it.
She did talk me into buying some poison dart frogs when we were vending at a reptile show once and our neighbor was selling them. Have to admit they were neat. Their skin felt like high quality patent leather. They ended up being my PDFs eventually though.
My granddaughter and I discussed getting a hedgehog. They are cute, but being so tiny, when they have problems.. well. Which I explained all to her, with attention, they shouldn't have any. But I think the main thing that swayed her away was when I explained they are really nocturnal. Very sleepy during the day LOL. so that was the end of that!

I'm guessing that Craig (and you too?) needed licenses to keep venomous snickety's and the frogs? I know some places do but not sure just where. Not even sure they would be allowed to be brought into Canada (legally).
My granddaughter and I discussed getting a hedgehog. They are cute, but being so tiny, when they have problems.. well. Which I explained all to her, with attention, they shouldn't have any. But I think the main thing that swayed her away was when I explained they are really nocturnal. Very sleepy during the day LOL. so that was the end of that!

I'm guessing that Craig (and you too?) needed licenses to keep venomous snickety's and the frogs? I know some places do but not sure just where. Not even sure they would be allowed to be brought into Canada (legally).
Yes, you need a license to keep venomous reptiles and there are all kinds of rules and regs you have to follow, but we never kept venomous reptiles. Craig had some when he was a teenager, but all the licensing and R&Rs weren't around then. He also has a missing first knuckle of a finger because of a fraction of a second moment of inattention when feeding a pygmy rattlesnake... That was the end of him keeping venomous snakes per his mom.

PDFs do not secrete the poison in captivity. It is something they eat in the wild that creates the poison secretions. The culprit food was still unknown to science at the time we had them. We had to keep 2 separate colonies of fruit flies alive to feed them at all times in case 1 colony died.
Yes, you need a license to keep venomous reptiles and there are all kinds of rules and regs you have to follow, but we never kept venomous reptiles. Craig had some when he was a teenager, but all the licensing and R&Rs weren't around then. He also has a missing first knuckle of a finger because of a fraction of a second moment of inattention when feeding a pygmy rattlesnake... That was the end of him keeping venomous snakes per his mom.

PDFs do not secrete the poison in captivity. It is something they eat in the wild that creates the poison secretions. The culprit food was still unknown to science at the time we had them. We had to keep 2 separate colonies of fruit flies alive to feed them at all times in case 1 colony died.
"PDFs do not secrete the poison in captivity". How interesting, they don't tell you that in murder mystery movies. Just show collecting the secreted venom from their skins. LOL
"PDFs do not secrete the poison in captivity". How interesting, they don't tell you that in murder mystery movies. Just show collecting the secreted venom from their skins. LOL
Yeah, well there's a lot of stuff TV doesn't bother getting right. I yell at the TV when I see people giving injections and drawing blood, plus other medical things cause they often don't do it correctly.
Oh yeah. Must be an age thing 'cause I'm very critical of some "logic" that is anything but logical. Used to be I never noticed nor cared, but now I think what the h**** was that writer thinking of? and does nobody fact check?

One of my favourite shows is Midsomer Murders. They have some of the most outrageous misinformation on certain things - but I happen to love the series and I forgive them! LOL
other shows,... I'm not so forgiving.
Decided to rearrange the stall after I got everything on the shelves. The meerkat's collar and leash are drying. Need to make the lights, then the dolls, maybe a hookah or 2.

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