Our pets

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I had an orange female cat.
Angel is gone now. Sweet Pea is her baby. She is my shadow. LOL



Sweet pea will be 9 YO in a few days.

I have a comment to make about my pet.. When I log on to the site in the random photo bar, I see pictures of my gray stripped tabby Bob at different people's houses. Can somebody explain that to me. Are aliens taking him to their houses at night and taking his picture with them to make me jealous or something???
You mean like this little guy?
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10 months later...
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Aside from knocking everything off the top of the cabinet, he certainly had one heck of a leap..
View attachment 69707
Plus he could turn on the floor lamp with the pull chain...
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Omg those pictures are so cute. The picture of you kitty on the cabinet looks so familiar. My Bob loves to haunt the top of my kitchen cabinets.


I love the walls of your house they look really cool.
Back in the 1970s two of my friends had a very similar looking tomcat. These friends lived down the street from each other and did know each other. One evening one of the friends was at the other friends flat when the cat came in from roaming the neighbourhood. The look of shock on that cat's face was described to me as extreme. Apparently, he was also embarrassed. He saw his two people together. He got found out. He was the same cat who lived at both of those friends' flats. :LOL:
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They have been sweet babies so far. Only three curtains climbed. They tolerated my first try at claw trimming. All three are good with snuggles but Osha is big into snuggles. @caseydog Osha lets the other two test foods prior to her giving them a try. :LOL: However she can be very bold, and is not enticed with treats. We are going to try to see whether she likes dairy next!

Today, I covered my living room lounge and sofas with old quilts. Even trimmed, those little claws are sharp. Then, I took serial naps with three different kitties. :heart:
Back in the 1970s two of my friends had a very similar looking tomcat. These friends lived down the street from each other and did know each other. One evening one of the friends was at the other friends flat when the cat came in from roaming the neighbourhood. The look of shock on that cat's face was described to me as extreme. Apparently, he was also embarrassed. He saw his two people together. He got found out. He was the same cat who lived at both of those friends' flats. :LOL:
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I love that story. It was so cute. I would love to have been a fly on the wall, just to see the look on that cat's face. lol
Our kittens are of sufficient weight, so they were taken in for their surgeries to be altered. I'm nearly pacing as we wait to hear how their surgeries went and when we can pick them up. 😟
I understand. Feel the same way whenever any of our fur babies have a procedure, worried to death until I actually see them.
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