Fun camping food story

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Assistant Cook
Mar 28, 2021
Whidbey Island
First I want to invite everyone to tell me your funniest/smilyiest camp cooking story.

I still remember Mom throwing all the silverware along with the dish water up at a small fire that sparked on a bush that we were to close to and then searching for days to find the silverware so we could eat.

Dodging hungry yellow jacket swarms as we tried to cook.

We got glared at from neighbor campers as we sat around the campfire barely moving as the dinner cooked and the potatoes cooked and the Apples roasted. I knew we were both really in need of a brake had planned for supper simple foods that could be cook over the fire. Everything smelled super yummy and all the cookware and dishes were a couple of sticks from my trees, and paper plates, so burnable everything. As I told hubby to do the dishes and we threw all our 'stuff' on the fire. I turned just in time to hear one of the ladies from a super sized RV tell her hubby it was his turn to do the dishes. He and his friend(?) both had their arms full of dishes.... If looks could kill we would not have survived the night. And no our fire was not nearly as smoky as theirs was and it was blowing into our camp.

So what is your story? I most of us have some...
As a teen, with two buddies, in a makeshift shelter of cut willow branches, and a couple of tarps, we were coking super in foil pouches, each of us making our own dinner. We had some wild snowshoe rabbit, harvested in the fall of the previous year, (cleaned and frozen), carrots, potato, onion, S & P, and butter. I had the knife, and we used clean shale as our cutting board. We Made our meals. One of the guys brought his Malamute dog along. We used my boat to cross the river.

I took my foil-pack dinner out of the fire; and it was done perfectly,with all that butter coating everything. My best freind pulled his out just minutes after I did. His was a little undercooked as the fire wasn't as hot because he set his foil-pack inches and to the side of the burning wood embers. He had to wrap again and cook for another five minutes or so.

Seeing the undercooked meal, the friend with the dog left his dinner in the heart of the fire until the other one was removed. He opened it up. It was so charred, not even his dog would touch it. I shared mine with him.

As a favor, he took my wet sneakers and placed them by the fire to dry ou, as they were wet due to the virtual grassy swamp we were camping in. I awoke the next morning to the wonderful aroma of melting rubber (my sneakers! 50 years later, I still remember that weekend camping trip. We were just like Huck Finn, on a 3/4 mile wide, 40 foot deep river, but with a boat instead of a rft. good times, good memories.

I also had a cousin, who on a cold fall, boy Scout primitive campout, snuck in a bottle of vodka. Yeh, he got toasted. I really hadn't though it possible that someone could relieve themself on a campfire, andthe urine stream would be like a miniature flame thrower, until that night.

To be fair, we had an outstanding scoutmaster, and assistant scoutmaster who would have stopped the drinking, had he known about it.

And somehow, we survived.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Not a true camping story, but it did take place outside ( an air conditioned house that we rented in Maine one summer).

When we got to the house, we saw it had a fire pit outside, and decided it would be fun to make s'mores with the kids over an open fire. My wife got the ingredients needed as I built the fire. Her and the kids came outside to put the s'mores together and heat over the open fire. The second they came out, they were all complaining that its was too hot and buggy outside, and were getting bitten by mosquitos .... They all went back inside and cooked their s'mores in the microwave as I put out the fire while getting bitten up. I was definitely cursing a lot. It wasn't a true fire pit, but more like an open are with a Buch of large rocks forming a circle to make a camp fire in. I didnt feel comfortable letting it burn out un attended.
Removing small pieces of C-4 from a Claymore mine to heat up our C-rations.

Two of the many things the U.S. Army turned me off of; camping and hiking!
My nephew, when shopping with his mom, put a bag of Gummy Bears in the cart for his and dad's upcoming camping trip. Had a great camp dinner and then polished off the bag of gummy bears......later that evening both spent the night running in and out of the tent to do their business...a lot! Unknown to them, my nephew had picked up a bag of Sugar-Free gummies. Great snack if you've been impacted for a month, but causes extreme gastric/intestinal distress and the runs............
My nephew, when shopping with his mom, put a bag of Gummy Bears in the cart for his and dad's upcoming camping trip. Had a great camp dinner and then polished off the bag of gummy bears......later that evening both spent the night running in and out of the tent to do their business...a lot! Unknown to them, my nephew had picked up a bag of Sugar-Free gummies. Great snack if you've been impacted for a month, but causes extreme gastric/intestinal distress and the runs............

Yeah, too much of the sugar alcohols, that are often used in sugar-free candies, is known for having laxative effects.
I too only discovered that 'sugarless' side effect the hard way. Bought a small bag of sugarless jelly beans at the mall one day and ate the whole thing on the way home (25 minute drive). Thought I was doing my self a favour getting 'sugarless'. Wow... what a lesson that was!

This was one of my Mom's stories. As a Guide Leader, she an her lieutenant helped their girls thru their meal and once they were all settled proceeded to make and eat their own. They had chicken stuffed with rice, well the kids came round at the smell of the chicken and wanted to share but didn't know (in the dark) what those little white things rolling around on their plates were. Mom told them - 'Tarnation! that chicken must have bug larvae rolling on our plates!' The girls left quickly while they enjoyed their chicken!
:rolleyes: Have no idea, just saw the title and wondered what people had to say and then remembered my mom's story and then, and then...
and there yuh go!
it's bumped! :mrgreen:
I used to go out to Fremont Peak in San Juan Bautista with my astronomy group. You would not believe how accustomed to people all the animals and birds were. The jays would eat off your plate and squawk at you if you tried to chase them off (and not even move). The raccoons would come into the middle of the group of astronomers and go into any car with an open door. But this is my favorite camping story.

It was late and I was hungry so after looking through my telescope a few hours, I decided to cook something up to eat. I don't remember what it was, but I do remember I was using a camp light with a red sweater thrown over it to protect everyone's night vision.

After I dished up my food, I was eating away when a little skunk came waddling out of the bushes and right up to me. He put his front paws on my leg and proceeded to eat the rest of my dinner which was on my lap at that point since I didn't have a table. I just froze and didn't argue about it. I reckon I got about a quarter of my food that night and the skunk got the rest. When he was done slurping out of my plate, he got back down and wandered off into the bushes again. I was stuck with chocolate chip cookies for dinner then, but at least I didn't get sprayed.

By the way, you haven't lived until you go out into a park in the dead of night and you're the only one there looking through your scope when something grabs you by the pantleg and tugs. That raccoon scared the everlovin' daylights out of me that night but he must have expected my reaction because he never moved when I let out a shriek that must have woke the dead.
By the way, you haven't lived until you go out into a park in the dead of night and you're the only one there looking through your scope when something grabs you by the pantleg and tugs. That raccoon scared the everlovin' daylights out of me that night but he must have expected my reaction because he never moved when I let out a shriek that must have woke the dead.
That's both terrifying and hilarious.
LOL, that shriek must have paralyzed him!
and yep, I would have really done the same shriek til my lungs collapsed.

I too have a 'creature on me' tale but even now I'm having a hard time telling it... and it was in 1963
Vancouver Island and a bunch of Young Adults had a campsite for ??? long weekend? (don't remember). Had a great time, last supper at the Hall was a 'Christmas' party and we had each drawn names to give a gift we created from the woods. One girl had drawn a guy with whom she had a particularly volatile love/hate relationship (I think the draw was fixed- but it was funny). She made the most beautiful bouquet on a bed of ferns - and it was all food garbage she'd pulled out of the bins, quite hysterical.
After we'd cleaned up the tables and chairs, I was over choosing some records to put on and a bug was consistently trying to crawl over my bare foot. I looked down to see what kind of persistent bug would be so stubborn with my shaking and wiggling. Well, it was a very tiny 'snickety-poo-snay', wiggling and squiggling over my toe.
Well then some girl starting screaming and screaming, I looked around to see who on earth was making that noise - and everyone was staring at ME! T'was I.
That Christmas Bouquet had one in it - which we all knew and it had been put out side on the steps after. Guess it just liked our company and came back in.... I did not think it funny (at the time).
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