What Condiments Do You Have On Your Table?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
We're presently back home in Hawaii and it struck me that almost every restaurant, as well as the table here in our condo, have pretty much the same things on it.
on the table.jpg

This struck a question in my head ... what condiments do you have on your table?
And another thing: do you keep your condiments on the table all the time or put them away after your meal?
First question, what is that bottle titled ALOHA?

When I had a designated dining/kitchen/eating table, no. Nothing was left on it. Never even had salt & pepper there.
But depending on how many were being served and the meal itself, dictated what was brought to the table. Ketchup, relish, mustard - hamburgers, hot dogs. Asian - soya sauce, etc. and so on.
But no, even in restaurants, fast foods would have ketchup, etc., sit-down restaurants, again depending on what was being served as to what was brought to the table.
First question, what is that bottle titled ALOHA?
If you zoom in on it, it says "Aloha Gold Premium Soy Sauce."
I have a lazy Susan I put on the dining room table that has a salt shaker, a pepper grinder, and a glass tray with two hand-painted glass cruets on it, one for olive oil and one for red wine vinegar. We haven't eaten in the dining room since Thanksgiving, though lol
Close to where I cook I got
Fish sauce
(and some undefined Chinese bottles with cooking wine and vinegar)
Mostly for cooking, but also to add later on.

In restaurants here you would get pepper, salt and tomato ketchup.
If you are lucky it's a pepper grinder, commonly it's tasteless pre-ground stuff.
The Indian restaurants are better, but they are an exception.
I don't keep condiments on the dining table and I eat most meals there. So did Stirling and I when he was alive. Salt and pepper grinder almost always appear on the table, but they are very close by in any case. There are condiments that come out for various meals and it depends on which meals, which condiments will come out.
Close to where I cook I got
Fish sauce
(and some undefined Chinese bottles with cooking wine and vinegar)
Mostly for cooking, but also to add later on.

In restaurants here you would get pepper, salt and tomato ketchup.
If you are lucky it's a pepper grinder, commonly it's tasteless pre-ground stuff.
The Indian restaurants are better, but they are an exception.

If we are counting things near the stove, I keep S&P, granulated garlic, and three kinds of oil near the stove. I don't think any of those are condiments, but they are always within reach when I cook.

When I make things like gumbo or Texas chili for guests, I always go easy on the spices, and put a few kinds of hot sauce out on the table. That way, my guests can choose their own level of heat.

Thinking back - the dining room table was always clear until supper but the breakfast table usually always had the salt and pepper left on it during the day and, as others have commented, extra condiments were brought to the table based on the meal.
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Linner today at Liliha Bakery … I really do not care for Kikkoman Soy Sauce at all, so none on my scoop rice today!!!
My favorite soy sauce is Yamasa. I became addicted to it years ago when the office I worked at was the top floor of what everyone in the area called "The Otani Building" because Otani Japanese restaurant was on the first floor. And for lunch I would often go down to Otani's and get a takeout order of steamed (sticky) rice and they would always pop a couple of packets of Yamasa into my bag for the rice. That became a favorite lunch of mine, along with occasionally hitting up the tempura bar.

As to the original question, I do not keep condiments on the table.
Thinking back - the dining room table was always clear until supper but the breakfast table usually always had the salt and pepper left on it during the day and, as others have commented, extra condiments were brought to the table based on the meal.
Exact ditto here, from when I was growing up.
We make our last minute additions from the counter. For breakfast - cinnamon and ground flax and chia seeds with wheat germ mixed. For lunch and dinner there is salt, pepper grinders (2 kinds), vinegar (2 kinds), and lemon juice. If we need it we take these out of the fridge: ketchup, mustards, hot sauce, salad dressings. Then we take our food to our table or on a tray to take outside/to the family room.

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