That's excellent
@pepperhead212 the weighing them and then planting 20% more than what you need.
Growing from seed is the way to go.
When I was cleaning out the freezer last month I took all the diced red peppers (left from last year) and mixed them with diced onion in the freezer and some fresh, then pressure canned them. We like that a lot. I was surprised how much we like them canned together.
We're growing serranos with our bell peppers this year. They just flowered a week ago.
We harvested our first two tomatoes, one san marzano and one roma. They'll be coming in soon.
We just have a few days of summer left and then autumn. If you have pictures it would sure be nice to see them. Today was our hottest day, almost to 100 deg F and humid (WI of USA). I'm looking forward to cooler days while you're probably looking forward to warmer days.