Gabapentin is a great drug to combat withdrawal symptoms from opioids. From what I hear. And that is why its popularity has all of a sudden become so obvious.
Many people who have been kicked to the curb over opioid use have found a friend in Gabapentin. Even terminal cancer patients have been booted to the side of the raod and left to deal with their pain all alone!
For the record and my personal opinion, this silly drug crisis is BS. Cannabis has been their scape goat all these years and now that it is being accepted by the public and by many medical professionals. They need a new devil.
Opioids have become the new devil to take the place of cannabis.
Courts, law enforcement and especially drug rehabs need a new devil to make their living off of. Since they can read the writing on the wall, they must create a new devil and that new made up devil is opioids.
Their monetary livelihoods (jobs) require a devil. Opioids fit the bill just right for them. It is easy. Very easy.
Since the beginning of man, substances like opium have been a part of every society.
In the early years (late 1800's and 1900's) you could order morphine, heroin, cocaine and marijuana from the major catalogs. Sears and JC Penny come to mind.
You could buy laudanum over the counter at every store and as a child my parents could buy Paregoric over the counter.
I remember, because it was administered to me at home as a child.
Does anyone really believe this is a new crisis? Its not. The only thing that has changed is the reporting and statistics.
We all know that statistics can be manipulated and in this case the evidence is clear.
"We are losing the war on drugs, so we must find another scary devil to keep this war alive and well".
Guess who is paying the price for this scam?
I know a guy that had hip surgery. Replacement surgery and was basically told to take aspirin for the difficult physical therapy.
Another had open heart surgery. Ultram was prescribed.
It is no secret as to why many people have turned to the streets for medications doctors prescribed in the past for many many years.
Their new war is working and patients are suffering because of it.
There is no opioid crisis.
It is an attempt that is working to keep the money flowing in for those professions I mentioned earlier.
After all. We must keep 30 day $250.000 rehabs in operation. Keep the DEA busy arresting everyday people and mostly to make up for all the money they are going to loose regarding the "Cannabis Revolution".
There is no opioid crisis and it has been manufactured to counter the cannabis revolution.