Is anyone else noticing lower food prices at the grocery store?

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I was wishing we had bikes, we may get some. We live out in the country, subdivisions among farms, there are no sidewalks at all to the farm stand. There is a section of sidewalk near the mini mart in the small town but it's mostly highway/hill and country. Lovely wild flowers along the way. It was hot but not 107 deg F. There's no mass transit out here.
We even found a spring along the side of the hill that we didn't know was there. That might be handy if the electric goes out finding it so close to home.

Several years ago, I restored a Honda scooter from the early 1970s. I planned to use it to get around town. It had a top speed of 35MPH, which was not enough. 45MPH was really what I needed to safely blend in with local traffic.

On the plus side, I sold it for twice the money I had in it. They were in high demand at the time.


Several years ago, I restored a Honda scooter from the early 1970s. I planned to use it to get around town. It had a top speed of 35MPH, which was not enough. 45MPH was really what I needed to safely blend in with local traffic.

On the plus side, I sold it for twice the money I had in it. They were in high demand at the time.

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THAT is super cool. I would love to have one of those.
Electric Bikes seem to be the rage around here. Even on construction sites I see some of the workers using electric scooters and lots of kids use them as well.
I live in a "fairly" "sort of" area with public buses. How frequent? Do the do areas you need to get to? Have never checked it out.
My son and DIL could walk it - my daughters too. But not me. Even a bus would be too much to walk to the stop, then walk the stores, bus ride home and then walk again. Not sure what would give out first, back? hips? feet? or brain!

They start around $400. and on up to thousands...
Electric Bikes seem to be the rage around here. Even on construction sites I see some of the workers using electric scooters and lots of kids use them as well.
I live in a "fairly" "sort of" area with public buses. How frequent? Do the do areas you need to get to? Have never checked it out.
My son and DIL could walk it - my daughters too. But not me. Even a bus would be too much to walk to the stop, then walk the stores, bus ride home and then walk again. Not sure what would give out first, back? hips? feet? or brain!

They start around $400. and on up to thousands...
View attachment 70360

I had one of those, too. I took it camping in my teardrop camper. The wheels are too small. I hit a small rock with it on a campground road, and it jerked the wheel to the left, and I went down, hard. Only some big bruises, but it could have been worse. Got rid of it.

I don't think those tiny wheels were meant it to be used on dirt roads. LOL you should have gotten a dirt bike with big fat wheels.
Hey! you're handy! maybe you could have modified it!
Electric Bikes seem to be the rage around here. Even on construction sites I see some of the workers using electric scooters and lots of kids use them as well.
I live in a "fairly" "sort of" area with public buses. How frequent? Do the do areas you need to get to? Have never checked it out.
My son and DIL could walk it - my daughters too. But not me. Even a bus would be too much to walk to the stop, then walk the stores, bus ride home and then walk again. Not sure what would give out first, back? hips? feet? or brain!

They start around $400. and on up to thousands...
View attachment 70360
In my case, it's all at the same time.

I can't do the walking anymore either. Not only do I have neuropathy (and arthritis) in my feet, but I have hip bursitis, osteoarthritis and now my new little friend, sciatic nerve pain, which I'll be starting physical therapy for soon.

So yeah, steps/stairs are a no-no for me and I can't remember the last time I was able to walk normally.

I couldn't even go shopping with my sister today after our lunch outing because I can't do the walking anymore. She suggested going to a local mall and there's no way I could have done that. It made me very sad because I only get to see my sister maybe once a year and, because I can no longer walk without pain, I couldn't go do fun stuff with her. :cry:

But I digress. Sorry. Got on a little rant there. Mostly because I'm so angry with... well, me. And my body. My quality of life is literally diminishing because of it.
I don't think those tiny wheels were meant it to be used on dirt roads. LOL you should have gotten a dirt bike with big fat wheels.
Hey! you're handy! maybe you could have modified it!

It was a smooth, paved road that just happened to have this rock on it. To be completely transparent, there might have been a tiny amount of alcohol involved. :blush:


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