What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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This ain't Texas (woo), ain't no hold 'em (hey)
So lay your cards down, down, down, down
So park your Lexus (woo) and throw your keys up (hey)
Stick around, 'round, 'round, 'round, 'round (stick around)
And I'll be damned if I can't slow dance with you
Come pour some sugar on me, honey too
It's a real life boogie and a real life hoedown
Don't be a bitch, come take it to the floor now, woo, huh (woo)

I'm not a fan of Country music, especially really bad country music. :ROFLMAO:

Another day in paradise...


Even hotter today. This heatwave is supposed to peak tomorrow, and recede a little... into the upper 90s. No rain in a couple of weeks, so yards and gardens are looking stressed. Native plants and grasses will brown a little, but won't die. When regular rain returns in a month or two, they will perk up.

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 4.18.19 PM.png

Hearing about crazy weather like that makes me consider myself lucky to only loose a few plants, or something like that, when those storms come through.

The weather here has been relatively low humidity, and slightly low temperatures, for the last week, though with the cool nights, the humidity would still be so high that there would be dew on everything, and it would take a while to dry off, since it wasn't heating up so much! Today it was close to 90° for the first time in over a week, but it was breezy, so it was bearable, and much better than those very humid days last week. Next few days are supposed to get more humid, with possible thunderstorms, but those have missed me before, so again, I'm not turning my timers off, until it's happening! That's when I go into my basement, and turn the valve, to shut it off to all 3 timers outside.
Hearing about crazy weather like that makes me consider myself lucky to only loose a few plants, or something like that, when those storms come through.

The weather here has been relatively low humidity, and slightly low temperatures, for the last week, though with the cool nights, the humidity would still be so high that there would be dew on everything, and it would take a while to dry off, since it wasn't heating up so much! Today it was close to 90° for the first time in over a week, but it was breezy, so it was bearable, and much better than those very humid days last week. Next few days are supposed to get more humid, with possible thunderstorms, but those have missed me before, so again, I'm not turning my timers off, until it's happening! That's when I go into my basement, and turn the valve, to shut it off to all 3 timers outside.

I lived the first ten years of my life in Glassboro, and I remember pretty well what the weather was like. Well, what it was like 50-something years ago. I imagine it has changed, like it has everywhere. My dad, who has a brown thumb, actually had a pretty good garden. Mostly tomatoes -- and they were GOOD. We had a well to water the garden. IIRC, the soil was kind of sandy. Nothing like the black clay (AKA: Black Gumbo) soil we have on the Eastern part of Texas. I do remember that he added manure to it. I remember the smell. :ROFLMAO:

Back then, the weather was moderate. Winters were cold, but not brutally cold, and summers were warm, but not brutally hot. We could sleep at night with the windows open, and be comfortable most nights.

I do remember some big thunderstorms. The bottom floor of our house, which was half below ground, would flood about once a year. My dad had to move all the rugs out to the backyard to dry in the sun. The water came in through the back door, which was below grade. There was a drain outside the door, but it would get overwhelmed.

I was in Medford Lakes visiting my favorite cousin about five years ago, and it was very close to 100F that weekend -- over 100F with the heat index. That was a complete surprise to me. I don't remember that ever happening when I was a kid. He has a lake behind his house, and we spent a lot of time in it.

Another thing that used to happen when I was growing up here, more often than not, was the ground freezing solid in the winter, and in March, usually, we'd have to wait for the ground to become workable. I can't remember the last year that happened! Occasionally it will freeze temporarily, but in a week or so, it's thawed again.
It started raining shortly after 9 am, but I don't know how long it is going to last, and it's not heavy, yet. Just heavy enough to rise the humidity more, and it was already 85%, at 75°, when I got up, at about 8:20. Heavier rain supposed to come tomorrow.
But wait, there's more!!!


And from the West side of Frisco...


I usually post temps from one of the two stations closest to my house. The Trails Station is on the other side of town, maybe ten miles away? I don't know why it is showing a three degree higher temperature.

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It was disgustingly humid again today, and it got into the high 80s, so the HI was in the 90s again, and there was no wind until around 3 pm, when I was finishing up, and I figured it was going to start raining, since it was getting darker, too. About 2 hours later now, and still no rain, but I hear thunder out there now, and now there is rain, with sunshine! The radar shows more coming and going for a while now.
About 2 hours later now, and still no rain, but I hear thunder out there now, and now there is rain, with sunshine!

We get that here a lot. I have stood in my driveway, and not have a drop of rain hitting me, while it was dumping rain on houses down the street from me. Good for rainbows, though. We get some spectacular rainbows in weather like that. I've even seen some double rainbows. I took a picture of one... I'll see if I can find it and post it here.

CD, that's hotter than I like, by a long shot.

15°C = 59°F

View attachment 70390

It is 7:38PM, and has cooled off a little... :ROFLMAO:


This should be as bad as it gets for this summer. It should start to get back into the 90s, and my this time next month, it should be comfortable to sit out on the patio after dark.

Now, for my sister an mom in Houston, the worst months of Hurricane season are coming. My sister keeps very little in the way of perishable food in her fridge and freezers from July until November. She already had to throw away a lot of food after Beryl. The BIG storms tend to come in September/October.

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I got up to 73° here today (!), and is supposed to get down to 56° overnight, and the humidity is very low. Something like the middle or end of September, according to the weatherman. Another couple of days forecast in the 70s, slowly going up to average mid 80s, but then above average again. I knew it was too good to last.
It's still 69° here, at 11:50 am, after it got down to 55°, and only supposed to get up to 74° all over this area today. Unbelievable for this time of year. Still not out of the woods yet - in last summer, which was mild, we had more 90+ days in September than in the other months: 12.
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