Just wondering ... what is everyone reading now?

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Hmmm - I did. Starts at $50.00 (a month or 2) for non-residents and on up to $150 for a year. Thanks, but no.

Believe that is common practice. I know that in my old stomping grounds in Quebec they did the same.
Hmmm - I did. Starts at $50.00 (a month or 2) for non-residents and on up to $150 for a year. Thanks, but no.

Believe that is common practice. I know that in my old stomping grounds in Quebec they did the same.
I'm very surprised they charge to borrow books.
Don't think of it as a "charge to borrow books" that part is free. Rather they "charge to be a member".
I'm guessing their reasoning is that if 'out of towners' constantly used their resources, it would strain their budgets. They charge to make up for the fact that you don't pay the City taxes that is portioned to them. IMHO
Don't think of it as a "charge to borrow books" that part is free. Rather they "charge to be a member".
I'm guessing their reasoning is that if 'out of towners' constantly used their resources, it would strain their budgets. They charge to make up for the fact that you don't pay the City taxes that is portioned to them. IMHO
I think you're right. It's the same here - I've looked into borrowing books from libraries in nearby cities and they all charge non-residents a fee. Fortunately, my city library is connected to a library system in southwestern Virginia, so I have access to a lot more books.
Don't think of it as a "charge to borrow books" that part is free. Rather they "charge to be a member".
I'm guessing their reasoning is that if 'out of towners' constantly used their resources, it would strain their budgets. They charge to make up for the fact that you don't pay the City taxes that is portioned to them. IMHO
Whatever you call it, I'm not accustomed to libraries charging money so you can borrow books or become a member.
Why don't you try borrowing from a library out of State, say in Conn or New York? Obviously your memberships are State wide.
I wish I could say the same for here. They want a city residency.
Why don't you try borrowing from a library out of State, say in Conn or New York? Obviously your memberships are State wide.
I wish I could say the same for here. They want a city residency.
It depends on the relationships individual libraries have with other libraries. It's not the same everywhere.
Why don't you try borrowing from a library out of State, say in Conn or New York? Obviously your memberships are State wide.
I wish I could say the same for here. They want a city residency.
Sorry your library system differs from ours. I mad the suggestion based on personal experience.
I understand Andy. . No problem, matter of fact, may I use your address? :whistling :ROFLMAO: GG, or yours? :ROFLMAO:
I'd offer you mine but I don't think our little backwater library has much that Mass. or Virginia doesn't already.
Got a book from the library yesterday (finished it this afternoon). A bit on the same line as Thursday Murder Club.
Centered in California. Author Christine E Blum. A Rose Avenue Wine Club Mystery. 2nd book, Murder Most Fermented (Dead on the Vine). Her first book is called Full Bodied Murder. A group of 5 women with "Halsey" being the orator (?).

Can't really decide if I like it or not,. Think Thursday Murder Club might be better, but this one has it's charm as it goes into great detail of the wines served at their 'meetings'. At the end of the book she also gives a small dictionary/description of various appetizers and what one might serve with.
LOL - not so much interested in the wines, per se, but love the list of appies with suggestions of the wine to go with.
Google it and see what you think.
A quick read.
Many Lives Many Masters-audiobook on youtube by Brian Weiss
Subject: Real life by a psychiatrist about past life regression, reincarnation, healing, spirituality, values, transformative
I just finished listening to it and it was interesting and riveting. I loved it. 5-6 hours.
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