Tuesday, March 12, 2024, anybody else eat?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Craig had Italian sausage with a caponata sauce (warm), with an herb sauce drizzle and grated parm. I added a little pasta for him, plus 4 homemade garlic rolls again. He said the sausage and caponata were an emphatic good.

I had parm crusted chicken thigh with Israeli couscous, with the same herby drizzle/sauce, grated parm, broccoli, diced cherry peppers, and grated parm plus a couple of garlic rolls. I couldn't finish mine, had over half of the couscous left and gave the pugs a couple of big bites of chicken and garlic rolls, and I'm still stuffed. Told Craig if we got this combo again that I'd just give him a little over half of my couscous and not make extra pasta for him.
I made a tray bake of carrot, celeriac, rutabugger, daikon radish, and all the cloves from a small head of garlic. It was topped with a couple of "Santiago Cilantro Lime" sausages. I reheated the left overs from my attempt at Greek potatoes. That was really good. I forgot my phone upstairs, so I didn't get any pictures.
Himself was on Day 4 of a headache-with-raspy-mouth-roof today, so I had a grilled ham and cheese on whole wheat bread along with a half-pint of grape tomatoes and a baby cuke. Dessert was Greek yogurt with fresh raspberries. He woke up long enough to have half a cup of lukewarm coffee and a gently warmed Russian tea biscuit. Seems like this is some fresh kind of hell virus that is making the rounds round here. The brother of a medical plan manager I met with today said it took him a good week to shake it. I hope Himself feels better tomorrow; I don't want him sick for 4 more days. :unhappy:20240312_223745.jpg
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Himself was on Day 4 of a headache-with-raspy-mouth-roof today, so I had a grilled ham and cheese on whole wheat bread along with a half-pint of grape tomatoes and a baby cuke. Dessert was Greek yogurt with fresh raspberries. He woke up long enough to have half a cup of lukewarm coffee and a gently warmed Russian tea biscuit. Seems like this is some fresh kind of hell virus that is making the rounds round here. The brother of a medical plan manager I met with today said it took him a good week to shake it. I hope Himself feels better tomorrow; I don't want him sick for 4 more days. :unhappy:
Ah, your poor DH. Sending positive vibes. Hope he feels better quickly.
I’m sorry, I have been posting all the pictures of my dishes, and I have some feedback from people here that my portions look small.
But can guarantee that nobody goes hungry in my house - I often send food to friends and family.
Personally, I prefer a smaller portion because I like to not stuff myself.
I don’t, and never would, photograph someone else’s food
Serving size depends on the kind of foods you are eating too.

For dinner last night I had taken a nap and I woke up ravenous. We have mangoes mixed with strawberries from the reduced produce I keep in the freezer. So I had fermented 9 grain flakes with mangoes and strawberries, blueberries, and carrot slaw. It was like a big dessert. Delicious. 2.5 cups
There is a you-tuber guy who reviews UK restaurants who I sometimes watch.
He has a banquet platter full of food in front of him and he will moan about portion size. It’s not ironic either - he will seriously complain about his meal being small when, to me at least, it’s far too big!
I've cut down on my portion sizes, but nearly always cannot finish. Certainly makes the pugs happy when it's something they can eat.
Oh, I adore pugs! Pics please!

Not too long ago, we had a dinner guest who suggested that my portion size was influenced by my background in fine dining.
I rebutted by explaining that I wanted my entire menu to be enjoyed in its entirety and not to overwhelm my guests by the size of any one dish.
I spent quite some time in Spain, cheffing, and there it’s all family style or tapas.
I personally enjoy that kind of dining, but some may not.
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