How's the garden coming along??

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Those look dangerous. :yum:

I grow chili peppers every year. The first harvest is usually pretty mild -- not always, but usually. They get hotter as the growing season progresses. I get my hottest peppers in the autumn months. Of course, the autumn months in Texas are still warm months, so I'm not sure the same thing applies in Canada.

Man, those gardens look amazing!

I don't have a vegi garden but do have newly planted plants that require constant watering. Situated on a hillside I've got a little gravity fed irrigation system going now and my next step is to recycle washing machine gray water by hooking the discharge hose up to a couple of rain barrels.
First potatoes..not many per plant, unfortunately..this is my first year planting potatoes there and I think the ground wasn't worked well enough in the is packed pretty tight..they look good though..


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Tomatoes are still going strong for us. Zucchini and cucumbers both have suffered from mildew and are much lower production now.
We've harvested most carrots and beets, lettuce, cabbage, and a bunch of potatoes. still have a lot of potatoes left, and tomatillos, garlic, hot peppers, sweet peppers.
My garden is doing so well that the neighbors have started to lock their doors when they see me coming.

Lol. Our neighbor with lots of little kids canned pickles even though they don't have a garden. They took zucchini and are willing to take lots of late green beans. Two other neighbors took cucumbers and decided to take up canning them into pickles. Another friend is coming from far away to pick up a few gallons of cucumbers. None of the 7 neighbors turn down a lb of garlic from us.

At the end of the harvest we save seed from the best heirloom tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, peas, and peppers, two kinds.
When I went to vote this morning, someone had set a box of mutant zucchini outside the polling place with a "free" sign. Most of them looked like 3 pounders.
My garden has bounced back, thanks to lots of recent, and unexpected rain. I may have another good late harvest.

Thanks to the recent rains, my herbs look really good. My peppers are loaded with flowers, but I'll have to wait to see if they set fruit. It is still pretty hot.

No room on my little patio for a garden but, hanging plants seem to do well.. Room for herbs next spring..

Very nice, Ross! I especially love the view, and the sprawling ivy-type plant in your first pic. With all the sun you get, I can imagine a nice little potted herb garden in the spring. Thanks for sharing. :)
Very nice, Ross! I especially love the view, and the sprawling ivy-type plant in your first pic. With all the sun you get, I can imagine a nice little potted herb garden in the spring. Thanks for sharing. :)

I wouldn't wait until spring. There is still time this year. I would at least get some rosemary planted, if you like rosemary. That will survive the winter, if you get it rooted now. Thyme and oregano are also pretty winter hardy. I have had my rosemary, oregano and thyme buried in snow, and it has survived.

If you do potted herbs, you can always bring them inside if the weather gets too harsh.

I wouldn't wait until spring. There is still time this year. I would at least get some rosemary planted, if you like rosemary. That will survive the winter, if you get it rooted now. Thyme and oregano are also pretty winter hardy. I have had my rosemary, oregano and thyme buried in snow, and it has survived.

If you do potted herbs, you can always bring them inside if the weather gets too harsh.


X 2 here as well, we get snow here as well. Out rosemary thyme oregano and sage are all around. We plant new every spring summer basil and coriander aka cilantro. We freeze both of these to last us through winter. My wife's has a dehydrater for the other herbs.

Nothing better than picking your own rosemary to have with a leg of lamb.


X 2 here as well, we get snow here as well. Our rosemary thyme oregano and sage are all around. We plant new every spring summer basil and coriander aka cilantro. We freeze both of these to last us through winter. My wife's has a dehydrater for the other herbs.

Nothing better than picking your own rosemary to have with a leg of lamb.


Oh yeah, rosemary and lamb were made for each other.

I have to replant my basil every year. Cilantro can't survive the summer heat where I live, but somehow, parsley does.

Found a skunk in the live trap this morning. Something has been eating my tomatoes. I had to MacGyver a nail on the end of a 12 foot strapping. Open the trap door and run like heck. All done in my boxer shorts at 6:30. Worked out. I earned my coffee this morning.
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Thanks for the pre-winter planting encouragement.. :)

My plan is to start herbs in the spring, only because I want to start in the spring.. Still completing the furnishing, etc., of our new apartment..;)

At present I gather herbs from my daughters home, which is 5 minutes away..

Thanks for the pre-winter planting encouragement.. [emoji2]

My plan is to start herbs in the spring, only because I want to start in the spring.. Still completing the furnishing, etc., of our new apartment..;)

At present I gather herbs from my daughters home, which is 5 minutes away..

I wasn't suggesting that you start now, silly [emoji38] ;)
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