Tuesday, June 4, 2024, what's for dinner?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Spring/green garlic aioli with shrimp and HB eggs, plus new yellow potatoes, cucumber, carrots and zucchini sticks, sliced mushrooms, radish, baby sugar snap pea pods, asparagus, endive leaves, and sourdough toasts.

It rained again, and I had business to do this afternoon, so no ribs again today.

I have had some Rao's Arrabbiata sauce in the pantry for a long time, so I figured I better use it. I tasted it, and it was pretty good, but I doctored it up to make it better, including herbs from my very well watered garden. Then I mixed in some penne pasta.

It was good. Spicy. I had to lower the AC thermostat. A little ParmReg on top.


Just a Salad.
Rummaged thru the fridge, found lettuce, green olives, black olives, feta, dill pickles slabs, hearts of palm, pickled beets, hard boiled egg, jarred fire roasted red pepper, think that's about it, maybe something else, don't remember... and some ranch dressing - delicious and very filling.
I made my first batch of gaspacho of the season last night, this time using last season's tomatoes from the freezer. Good thing is, they keep well, and it's just about as the fresh ones, come summertime. Peppers and cukes I got from the store, and I put 3 scapes in for the garlic flavor.
Making gaspacho in the Vitamix, with last year's tomatoes from the freezer. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished gazebo - still cold, since it started icy. Usually the blending warms it slightly. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Gaspacho, and a few toppings. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished gaspacho, before topping with the croutons. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I had an even bigger bowl for breakfast this morning.
I made another big batch of veggie hash, baked at 400 deg F instead of 350 and baked it for 70 minutes--so there was browning. It was delicious, again. We liked it better with more browning.
Last night we had smoothies of apples, peach, and broccoli, and that was good too.
leftovers from an office meeting!

we split a chicken shnitzel on baguette, broadway pastrami on rye, and each had a coleslaw! dh took a beer and a pickle too and i had a chocolate chip cookie even though there was probably sugar or honey in the slaw. i didn't eat any bread though.
@Kathleen Here is another time I made the gazpacho last year, with the leftover tomatoes from the freezer:

I usually make it with fresh tomatoes, about 3 lbs, but everything else is pretty much the same.
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