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We're getting a new shower installed! I'm so excited! It's from Bath Fitters, all one piece and very low maintenance. The whole operation seems very professional. Beagle is a bit consternated though.

It's so much fun to get something new Dawg! :clap:

I'm sitting here in our little computer/TV room enjoying our new fireplace that arrived at the door an hour ago. Fake though it is, it will give us a realistic feel, and heat only if we want it. Next Christmas our little fake tree will look adorable on the top, without the heat of course. The thing practically matches the wall color, and the dancing flames are so realistic.

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Been playin' out in my studio with Sally and Bella. Got a wild hair that caused me to want to try my hand at making tee shirt scarves. Had lots of fun and ended up with 3 really neat ones. Two will go to Glenn's son's wife and another will go to one of the "thinks she's grown up" granddaughters who just turned 11.

I'll take some photos and share.
Scarves are all done and really fun and easy to make.

The purple one and one of the blue-and-gold/yellow ones are a looped version. The other blue-and-gold/yellow one is done in strips infinity-style. They only took about 15 minutes each to make and I bought the tee shirts at an area thrift store for a dollar each.

Have a look:


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To not mess up a book, if I am cooking a recipe from it, I simply cover the opened pages with a piece of thin, transparent hard plastic.
I have a Perspex or plastic stand that holds the book up at a slant and protects the pages from mess - similar to this.

Acrylic Cookbook Stand in books and book stands at Lakeland

I've had it for about 30 years so I don't think I bought it from Lakeland. useful though - the book doesn't take up so much room.

Off to bed now. I've had a few late nights this week so I'm having an early one tonight - 11pm. Night-night, all.
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I have a cookbook stand also, but the boks are always trying to close so I clip them open and if I mix something and it splatters it is at risk of getting dirty. It seems much easier to copy the page in the machine and put it in my binder, then if I need it I pull it out, put it in the recipe rock {I have 3 of them since sometimes I will cook a bunch of stuff at once} and then just put it back... After I get a bunch of them I run then through the laminater. I actually havent added many recipes lately. I will also sometimes use the ipod, it has its own stand built in...
That's a nice little faux fireplace, Kay. I love the look of fireplaces, whether they are real or not. :) Some places around my neighborhood have fireplaces, I don't and there are some times I wish I did.

Dawg, I hope all goes well with your new shower! I've been wanting to re-do my master bath for a year or two now, but I'm still not quite ready to commit. :ermm::LOL:

C42, if I want a recipe from one of my older cookbooks that don't want to lay flat :ermm:, I do the same as you and try to copy it on my printer. If it's something I know I'll want for years and it can't be found online, I re-type it and put it in a plastic sleeve. I'm lazy though, so I don't want to do that very often. :LOL:
Can't recall where I heard this hint: whether it's a single sheet or book, set your clear glass 9" x 12" (approx.) casserole dish on the recipe. Maybe not if the recipe is for something that's cooked in that dish . . . ;)
Thanks Cheryl, we're really enjoying the new little fireplace.

I seldom use a cookbook anymore and the recipes I use from the internet are copied into bold 16 print on wordpad. I have a clip attached to the inside bottom of a top cabinet door to hold the full page recipe. Works fine for me.
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Cute little fireplace, Kayelle! We're loving our new shower. It was tiny and leaky to begin with, we were able to gain a good 4" or so with the replacement. I just had them rip the whole thing out and replace it rather than having a shell installed on top of the old one. Also had them install a shelf unit with a place to put my foot up to shave my legs.

(Psst, CG, it's still not quite big enough for two...)
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That's a nice little faux fireplace, Kay. I love the look of fireplaces, whether they are real or not. :) Some places around my neighborhood have fireplaces, I don't and there are some times I wish I did.

Dawg, I hope all goes well with your new shower! I've been wanting to re-do my master bath for a year or two now, but I'm still not quite ready to commit. :ermm::LOL:

C42, if I want a recipe from one of my older cookbooks that don't want to lay flat :ermm:, I do the same as you and try to copy it on my printer. If it's something I know I'll want for years and it can't be found online, I re-type it and put it in a plastic sleeve. I'm lazy though, so I don't want to do that very often. :LOL:

I also like that fire place, a friend of mine has a small electric heater/fireplace in his home office, it actually looks real, and he burns a wood wick candle that smells and sounds like a fireplace when he is in there, pretty cool.. I have NO real fireplaces in my house, they are all gas inserts, its a real fire in there but not a real fireplace, I am not complaining because I have tended real fireplaces before and its much more fun to just flip the switch and see the fire s, splitting the wood and carrying it through the house, and the bugs, nah....

I was a t a home show in las vegas a few years back and they had a virtual kitchen, system. It was made by an italian company and had to be imported and installed, and was not very affordable , BUT hands down one of the coolest kitchen gadgets I ever seen.

It had a scale that you could build into your counter top and the display was an invisible led type that would also speak the weight to you, and the unit had a built in interface with your stove {that could be retro fitted to any stove, it was essentially little motors that attached to your knobs}. But the best part was the recipe function, it verbally told you your recipe, you typed or scanned the recipes in and it would tell them to you and listen to your commands.. So you said "chicken marsala" and it pulled up your recipe, then you said 'first step" and it told you, then you could say "weigh flour" and add flour to the scale until it told you to stop, then it would also turn down your stove top after set time intervals, it was really something... They weren't advertising a price, but the gentleman that demo'd it for me and my wife said to expect to pay around $10K US, so it wasn't something we would ever buy but still fun to play with...

Anyway I thought for sure we would see a recipe system like that, maybe not as extravagant BUT at least talk you through a recipe...
You know C4to, with your likely New England accent, that Italian system might not be able to understand you...;)

Cute fireplace, Kayelle. Looks similar to one our daughter has. When we visit, she lets Dad keep it in her bedroom and gives him her bed - a double. Good thing I don't want the warm room, cuz I'd be on the floor if we shared a double! :LOL:

Re: keeping recipes and cookbooks clean. Since we tend to pass cookbooks along from generation to generation, I tend to think of smudges and marking as happy memories. We all tend to make notes in the margins, too. Kinda like food diaries. The couple times I've gotten cookbooks from either friends or resale book shops, I actually enjoy the ones with notations. Even the smudges are happy sights to me. OK, so I'm just an old sap...:-p


I'm seriously thinking of heading to a sports store for ankle wrap. I love to grocery shop because it means lots of new meals to cook, but my ankles are so achy when I get home they say "can the cooking wait a day or two?" Looks like IcyHot and I will be getting cozy tonight.
I was just reading the Los Angeles Times and saw an article about a tiny little father and son restaurant about an hour and a half up the highway from here. They just got started a couple of years ago. Copper Top BBQ -they only have 5 tables, outside seating only. It's in Big Pine, population 1800. :)

Yelp is not the most prestigious by any means, but it sure is fun to see a little place work so hard, gain some loyal followers, and get some recognition for their awesome eats. Daughter and I are going over there for lunch in the next week or so. :yum:

Yelp names BBQ spot in Big Pine, CA the best restaurant in the country - LA Times
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Scarves are all done and really fun and easy to make.

The purple one and one of the blue-and-gold/yellow ones are a looped version. The other blue-and-gold/yellow one is done in strips infinity-style. They only took about 15 minutes each to make and I bought the tee shirts at an area thrift store for a dollar each.

Have a look:

Steeler Scarves!
Steeler Scarves!

Could be, I guess. But, no, they're the colors of our nearby college team, the Murray State Racers, which is where our daughter-in-law works. She's in the P.R. department and is a huge Racers fan. I have a feeling the scarves will be getting a real workout, especially since the b'ball team is hugely successful!! They've been burning up the court both home and away. A really good year for them.
Just finished spraying a potent water, pepper solution all over my yard.Around the vehicles.

We've had a problem for a few weeks now with feral/stray cats fighting at all hours of the night.Spraying everything in sight.The smell alone is terrible.
Thought it the safer approach to the problem.

Hopefully tonight we can get a full nights sleep.My dogs barking won't be waking me up.
That solution just might work.Had a stuffy nose a little while ago.Now it's gone.:ohmy:

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