Ice cream making

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Add some to your breakfast scrambled eggs, omlettes.
Coconut Macaroons
glaze to brush on breads/buns/pies
and at the top of my "to do" list is

A Christmas Pavlova
All you have to do is google egg white recipes and you'll have enough to keep you busy browsing for more than a week!
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Thank you for that advice. LOL I've already made 3 Spanish omlettes and a lemon meringue pie! Coconut macaroons sounds good.
Are you referring to yolks being used in ice cream?

According to google there are many substitutes but I'm pretty sure they won't all work for ice cream.
I was hoping that someone might know. I know that my local ice cream shop did not use yolks because of egg intolerance but he didn't know what the substitute was.
Jackamus, have you tried any of the other recipes in the booklet that came with your Cuisinart ice cream machine? I don't use eggs when I make ice cream. You could try and see what you think. It may very well be richer tasting with egg. But, the ice cream I make is still better than just about any ice cream that you can buy.
I'm glad you suggested that! I noticed that Cuisinart do not use eggs in their Vanilla ice cream.
I will try that as an experiment but I'm tempted to use lecithin as a substitute for eggs also as an experiment.
I can certainly vouch for their vanilla recipe!

Like you Jackamus, I ask for the experiences here, but I look it up at the same time. I have to check out all the options. :flowers:
Using eggs in ice cream is optional. If you have a recipe without eggs, try it. It's easier and will still be good.

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