What's for Sunday dinner, November 3, 2024?

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For supper on Sunday, I ended up just having the box of tempura shrimp I bought when I went to the store earlier in the day. I didn't have a choice - I needed to eat it or I couldn't get it in the freezer. My freezer is absolutely packed and I still have ham, 3 pounds of bacon, 12 drumsticks, 10 chicken breasts, and 3 pounds of hot dogs to fit into it. At least I got the hamburger fit inside it. Tomorrow anything in a box is going to be unwrapped to save room and then I'll see what's what. Fridge is just as bad and I wasn't able to buy sour cream or eggs. But as soon as I get the meat out of the fridge, there'll be more room. In a couple weeks I need to get some pork chops and a pork roast and freeze those as well, so I better start eating. I just bought too much stuff this time. I don't know what I was thinking.

Tonight I had to eat the salad I bought before it went bad. I didn't look close enough before I bought it and only realized this morning that all the lettuce was turning brown.

The good thing is, I will have a lot of food leftover from this month which means less spending on food next month. This is getting ridiculous, though. I either need to get a regular sized fridge or go the store more often and either of those options is going to cost more money than I want to spend.
taxy, ever notice how often I have cheese and crackers? Takes me a day to plan, another day to think things over, a third day to tell myself to get off the pot, and by the forth day I might actually do it.
So nothing you've said is any surprise to me .... other than someone else has the same issues as I.
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