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Hey, nikki! Good to see you! :)

I'm making kidney beans in my Instant Pot on the pressure cooker setting. 1 lb. dried beans, 1 tsp Penzey's 4/S Seasoned Salt, 2 tsp kosher salt, 2 bay leaves and 2 quarts of water. Should be done in about 45 minutes - it's coming up to pressure, then 25 minutes cook time, then 15 minutes natural pressure release. I'm going to make chili for DH's lunches for the next several days. We're not Texans, so we can put whatever we want in the chili ;)
I've been reading a lot of stuff about Sámis. Most of it is in Swedish or Norwegian. I think that might be what is giving me a headache.
Today I volunteered as docent on the caboose of a tourist railroad. The strangest thing was a couple who wanted a picture of their stuffed chicken up in the cupola. Here is a picture of the lady with her chicken!


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Loading up on coffee and taking a little break from cleaning the garage. UGH, not my favorite chore but it sure does need to be done. Watching where I put my hands, I saw 2 black widows lurking.... :ermm: Off to get back to it before I lose my motivation. :rolleyes:
I just hauled out the space heater. It was 18°C (64°F) in my house. That's okay, but we are expecting freezing rain with "significant buildup". Power lines might go down and we heat with electricity, so I want the house really warm before that happens. Hopefully, it won't.
Semi-watching the Grammys. Lady Gaga nailed the David Bowie tribute. Bonnie Rait et al did a nice job with BB King. I didn't pay much attention to the earlier hip-hop junk.

Enjoyed the Hamilton medley too!
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Semi-watching the Grammys. Lady Gaga nailed the David Bowie tribute. Bonnie Rait et al did a nice job with BB King. I didn't pay much attention to the earlier hip-hop junk.

Enjoyed the Hamilton medley too!

:ohmy: Didn't she though?? Made me teary eyed...!
Yes, Bonnie did a great job with the great BB King tribute, too.
Pirate finally got his retro check from SS disability. It was a reasonable size check that he badly needed. The first thing he did was take $500 and handed it to me to buy anything any thing I wanted. I sat down at the computer, headed for Amazon and spend, spend, spend. Well, the packages started arriving. Sometime two or three at a time. Of course every one in the building wants to know what is in all the packages. And they don't say anything to me, but they want to know where did I get all the money. So of course there is one person who has absolutely no class and asked me outright, where did I get all the money and what was I buying. I didn't answer her about the money question, but I did manage to leave her with her mouth open and she couldn't think of anything to say.

What is in all the packages? Stuff for my casket. Pillow, satin, bows, etc. Then I told her that there was one big package still to come. It is the wood for the casket. Spike is going to build it for me. Actually it is a new tall cabinet for the kitchen. I had a couple of packages in my arms, turned and walked away. I do believe the questions will now stop. But not the gossip. Oh well. One of the things you have to put up with if you live in a building such as this. :angel:
Just finished steam cleaning the patio windows and the dogs door. They can see to get outside now. My GR gave me his favorite toy as a thank you.

It's not really a thank you. He's trying to get me to barter with him. If I give him my Golem Bobble Head that's on my desk I get( it's up to 4 toys now, his favorite ones) he keeps bringing over. What is with that bobble head that's just fascinating him?

He's going to have to settle for an Oreo cookie and a hug.
That's my barter with him to keep quiet while I stash them.
Pirate finally got his retro check from SS disability. It was a reasonable size check that he badly needed. The first thing he did was take $500 and handed it to me to buy anything any thing I wanted. I sat down at the computer, headed for Amazon and spend, spend, spend. Well, the packages started arriving. Sometime two or three at a time. Of course every one in the building wants to know what is in all the packages. And they don't say anything to me, but they want to know where did I get all the money. So of course there is one person who has absolutely no class and asked me outright, where did I get all the money and what was I buying. I didn't answer her about the money question, but I did manage to leave her with her mouth open and she couldn't think of anything to say.

What is in all the packages? Stuff for my casket. Pillow, satin, bows, etc. Then I told her that there was one big package still to come. It is the wood for the casket. Spike is going to build it for me. Actually it is a new tall cabinet for the kitchen. I had a couple of packages in my arms, turned and walked away. I do believe the questions will now stop. But not the gossip. Oh well. One of the things you have to put up with if you live in a building such as this. :angel:

I get the same thing at Christmas time. My mom sends a large check for a combined Christmas and birthday gift. I use it to buy gifts for her and my aunt and cousin. They come to me, I wrap them, and then I mail them out in one large package.

Meantime I have a bunch of little things coming in for about two weeks, usually stuff from the Harriet Carter and Miles Kimball catalogs and everybody wants to know what I'm ordering and where did I get the money. As our center directors here know everyone's income, they especially want to know in case I'm getting in any unstated income, because if I was, it would put my rent up. People don't always understand that I'll go without to buy things for my dollhouse when I can. I never did see the point of getting things I need as opposed to things I want.

Anyway, congratulations on Pirate getting his retro check. Mine would be enough to almost buy a manufactured home at this point, if and when I get it. When that happens, I'm going to pay back everyone I owe money to and then sock the rest away to save. I'm wondering how much I'd have to pay back to Medicaid and to state disability. That big check could be downsized very rapidly.

Earlier this evening I was trying to figure out how to get all the people on my dollhouse forum who live in this area together for the show in Seattle next month. It would be nice to meet everyone.

Right now, I think I'm just going to watch the last 3 episodes from Breaking Bad, Season 2, then go to bed.
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Semi-watching the Grammys. Lady Gaga nailed the David Bowie tribute. Bonnie Rait et al did a nice job with BB King. I didn't pay much attention to the earlier hip-hop junk.

Enjoyed the Hamilton medley too!

Er, BB King is dead. What Grammys were you watching? I love Bonnie Raitt. Her versions of 'Angel from Montgomery' (with John Prine) and 'Love Me Like a Man' are classics!
Do you mean Group first for the Working Group? It was a Samoyed. GCH Pebbles' Run Play It Again Ham

The Old English Sheepdog is in the Herding Group.

That type of confusion is what happens while I am catching snippets from the different TV's while passing medications to my patients. I thought it was neat that I recognized Swagger....didn't catch what group they were showing at the time...:)
Er, BB King is dead. What Grammys were you watching? I love Bonnie Raitt. Her versions of 'Angel from Montgomery' (with John Prine) and 'Love Me Like a Man' are classics!

He was dead on the Grammy show I was watching too. "...they did a nice job with the BB King tribute."
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