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It's so much fun to get something new Dawg! :clap:

I'm sitting here in our little computer/TV room enjoying our new fireplace that arrived at the door an hour ago. Fake though it is, it will give us a realistic feel, and heat only if we want it. Next Christmas our little fake tree will look adorable on the top, without the heat of course. The thing practically matches the wall color, and the dancing flames are so realistic.



Does your heater have a blower on the bottom of it?Little vent holes?
What's the brand name on it? If you don't mind my asking.
Laundry. I can't figure out how one man can generate so much. He doesn't smell that bad.
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Laundry. I can't figure out how one man can generate so much. He doesn't smell that bad.

Oddly, I was just wondering today how two adults in this house seem to create more dirty laundry than when the kids also lived at home. We're either hyper-clean or very dirty. I think we'll just start wearing our clothes into the shower when we bathe. After all, the fabric is "wash and wear". :whistling
When I had my apartment, I made sure I had enough clothes to last 2 weeks, including under garments, because I had to either go to a laundromat or a laundry room in the complex. Also, I didn't want to be washing such small loads, as I was paying by the load. I have continued that same procedure into retirement, so our clothes don't need washing as often, and we don't have to do small loads. Men seem to do more "dirty work" than women, at least that's the case in our house.
I do laundry every other week or I can get three weeks out of it. It costs me the same as doing it weekly, I use a laundromat, too! No hook-ups in this apartment.

Also easier to keep track of what is spent on my uniforms for tax reasons.
Love the greenhouse GG ! I'm glad you're home and better...your cruise next month is still a go, yes?

I'm afraid not. I'm better, but not good enough to travel, and there's more treatment coming up,so we had to cancel. However, we bought trip insurance, so we will reschedule when I'm well enough to enjoy it :)
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I'm afraid not. I'm better, but not good enough to travel, and there's more treatment coming up,so we had to cancel. However, we bought trip insurance, so we will reschedule when I'm well enough to enjoy it :)

oh, I'm so very sorry GG. I know how you were both looking forward to that trip.:cry: Getting you well is the most important thing, but I still feel so badly for you. :flowers:
We are finally moving dh into my new house. We have been living at both houses. Here is what we moved today.

CM, do you mean a real real fireplace, one where you burn wood?

I have a fake gas fireplace put in and we love it. I chose not to have a blower installed and do not regret it. It throws off a lot of heat, but the house is small and the living room even smaller:)


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Gee beth, when we moved from OH to AZ all we had to relocate was a cat. :ermm:

I'm sitting here in silence, TV turned off. After an evening news full of "SnowSnowSnow!" "balls.balls.balls." followed by "windandSnow!" I've had it. My Lord, they have to hype the weather up here days in advance, as if talking about it will make it go away. If you haven't learned how to deal with winter up here by now, you may as well move to FL. :rolleyes:
I'm home from the hospital, resting in bed with two of our fur babies...

Glad you're home. It's a shame you have to postpone your cruise, but I suppose it's better safe than sorry. I'm sure your fur babies will make you feel even better quicker. BTW, couldn't see the greenhouse - the link wouldn't work for me. I'm sure it's cute.
We are finally moving dh into my new house. We have been living at both houses. Here is what we moved today.

CM, do you mean a real real fireplace, one where you burn wood?

I have a fake gas fireplace put in and we love it. I chose not to have a blower installed and do not regret it. It throws off a lot of heat, but the house is small and the living room even smaller:)
I desperately hope that the horse isn't travelling in the trailer!

PLEASE, PLEASE, NEVER DO THIS AGAIN! The saving of money on the hire of a proper horse box is not worth a dead or severely injured horse.

And, please, DC-ers, don't ever imagine that this is an acceptable method of transporting an equine or any other animal.
I do laundry every other week or I can get three weeks out of it. It costs me the same as doing it weekly, I use a laundromat, too! No hook-ups in this apartment.

Also easier to keep track of what is spent on my uniforms for tax reasons.

It's cheaper for me to do it every two weeks because I still only have 1 load of each category, whites, colors, jeans. Towels and sheets get done weekly. I know having the uniforms adds a big load to it.
I desperately hope that the horse isn't travelling in the trailer!

PLEASE, PLEASE, NEVER DO THIS AGAIN! The saving of money on the hire of a proper horse box is not worth a dead or severely injured horse.

And, please, DC-ers, don't ever imagine that this is an acceptable method of transporting an equine or any other animal.

Relax, this is/was a perfectly safe way to transport an animal. DH and his family have worked, trained, had horses for at least 400 years. Horses are a way of life for him and his ancestors.

The horse arrived safely to his new home.
Just finished cataloging and organizing our music CDs. They're usually in their space in alpha order but we've added quite a few new ones over the last year and things got a bit jumbled. Now everyone's in order and I have a printout of what we have. It'll be easier to select something we want to hear. As a matter of fact I think I have me a hankerin' for some Vikki Carr.
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