Chef Extraordinaire
Getting ready to staff the master gardener table at the farmer's market downtown. We have plants to sell and people to advise.
Appreciate the tip, thank you! I have been trying to alternate btween the tylenol & hydrocordone to try & wean myself off those pills. I'm down to about 3 hydro's per day. I tried the gym, the elliptical & recumbant bike are slow going but suprisingly made me feel better than the pool for now.Take the pain pill 30 minutes before you hit the pool...You shouldn't hurt going in. Then another as soon as you can after. The pain pills are to help you move when you want to, like at the pool and during the day. Don't be stingy with them or you won't want to move.
I bought all the parts separately, but that doesn't really make a difference. 1911's and many guns need hand fitted. Even within a manufacture's factory (Colt, Ruger...) they aren't simply put together. Although things will fit a lot better and need less reworking.
That was actually a problem in WWI. You had two or three main weapons makers making the same gun to the same specs, yet the parts weren't interchangeable. That made them hard to fix in the field. Things got better later, but military weapons are built "loose" anyway to keep on working when dirty. Commercial and custom guns are built to much tigher tolerances because it makes them more accurate. And tighter tolerances means you fit each part to the next. Plus there are little things you do to make things work better.
I guess it would be like the guys who drop a Chevy smallblock into their Ford coupe.
Thanks for explaining. I learned a lot. I knew military weapons were made loose to operate better dirty. The rest is news to me.
So, do you need a gun permit to order individual pistol parts?
Yes, he does have me laughing at times
It is funny as you grab hold of his handle on the top of him and you literally have to drag him out, it makes me feel like I am pulling out a little puppy by the collar
Just finished whipping up a batch of Mocha Cream Puffs, some sourdogh rolls and a potato salad .. the rest of the weekend cooking is up to DH and his handy dandy BBQ grill skills .. yep ... kick back time for me yayyyyy !!
I am going to have to ask my girlfriend Nanny in Atlanta if she has a problem with hers.
Got the toaster oven set up, burned off as per the instructions. Will think hard on what to cook in it first. Heaven forbid I just do toast...