Uncle Scott's Pot Cleaning Method - Pan Warping Danger?

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Assistant Cook
Jul 16, 2023
Hi guys in this video Uncle Scott recommends cleaning carbon steel pans with hot water while the pan is still hot. He says to use hot water instead of cold water to avoid warping the pan. My question is simple - is there still a risk of warping the pan when using hot water? After all the water isn't even close to as hot as the pan is right? Is there anything to be concerned about?
I never put cold water in a hot pan. I let the tap water run until it's hot. There's still obviously a temperature difference, but nowhere near as much of a shock.

I also stick them in a warm oven upside down after towel drying to make sure they are totally dry.
Warp is usually caused by thermal shock. Cold liquid into a very hot can cause it.

I just scrub my carbon steel pan out with hot water, but not when the pan is hot.
Not wanting to start a new thread, I wanted to ask you guys about cleaning an enamel over cast iron Dutch oven.
All I can remember is the baking soda? Any suggestions. The inside of the enamel has discolored. TIA.
Hi guys in this video Uncle Scott recommends cleaning carbon steel pans with hot water while the pan is still hot. He says to use hot water instead of cold water to avoid warping the pan. My question is simple - is there still a risk of warping the pan when using hot water? After all the water isn't even close to as hot as the pan is right? Is there anything to be concerned about?
If the water is not boiling or very hot, the likelihood of the pot warping will be minimal. Just make sure the water temperature is not too high.
Not wanting to start a new thread, I wanted to ask you guys about cleaning an enamel over cast iron Dutch oven.
All I can remember is the baking soda? Any suggestions. The inside of the enamel has discolored. TIA.
The best luck I have had with getting rid of discolouration of enamelled cast iron is by boiling some baking soda in water in the pot. Let it stay hot on low heat for a while. It isn't magic, but sometimes it will do a pretty good job.

America's Test Kitchen got discolouration out of some Le Creuset by using bleach. They thought it did a great job. But, I recommend that you stay away from bleach on enamel. ATK only considered what the pot looked like after one go with the bleach. Bleach will eat off the shiny layer of enamel and then it will get stained every time you use it.

If the baking soda boiled in the pot doesn't work, just ignore the discolouration.
@knowledge keeper I think you got it backwards... Uncle Scott is saying to clean a very hot pan right after cooking in it with hot water from the tap... that's where I'm worried about warping.

@Andy M. You're talking to me about Uncle Scott's videos right? Sorry the other guy hijacked my thread! :chef:
I've followed Uncle Scott's advice for a while now, and I haven't had any issues with warping my carbon steel pans using hot water. I think the key is to avoid extreme temperature changes, like going from super hot to ice cold. As long as the difference isn't too drastic, you should be good to go. I've been cleaning my pans this way for ages, and they're still in great shape.
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