Today's harvest

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Looks sooooo gooood! I know what you mean, Larry! Tomatoes everywhere and pickling stuff I never thought about before! :LOL: And I have some roasted Fresno peppers in the freezer for this winter's posole, among other yummies :yum:
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I DVR "Bobby Flay's Barbecue Addiction" and just watched an episode. He made this grilled ratatouille salad with couscous and deconstructed pesto [/url]

Thanks...that sounds really good. Saved until I find some decent/have my own tomatoes. Lots of blossoms and small, green, hard tomatoes....sighhhh. I;m throwing some of last year's dried cherry tomatoes in tonight's rata-whatever.

Second planting of basil is coming up, though. One of the (few) benefits of record heat.

I have to show you guys the zucchini blossom I found today...

bookbrat, I don't know how I missed your pic, just saw it - your basket of produce looks so good. And that is one huge zucchini blossom!
fixings for dinner tonight; spinach, romaine and red lettuce, carrots, broccoli, swiss chard, green pepper and parsley. Going to roast carrots and zucchini, make a salad out of most of the rest. The swiss chard is for dh's breakfasts.


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Patio potatoes

I grow potatoes in pots on the patio. This year I had two pots and harvested over 10 pound of potatoes. Mostly blue and fingerling, which were delicious.
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we've been picking every other day. the red pontiacs have had a very strange year - midAugust and the vines are still going strong.


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yuppers. there are a couple stellar dyi veggies -

lima beans - garden fresh limas are a different thing than what you find anywhere else
shell peas - multi-orders of magnitude seriously better that " " " "
tomatoes - what's to say.....
"new" potatoes - any variety - fresh dug new potatoes are basically "potato candy"
nothing supermarket "new" comes within parsecs.....
We're lucky to have a long growing season here. DH pulled out the cucumbers recently and planted green beans, and we'll plant peas in another couple of weeks. Also onions and garlic for next year.

We even planted decorative gourds for the first time. They should be ready in two months or so.
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Decades ago, I saw this in my Mother Earth News and thought "I have to try that". 35 years later and...still haven't tried it. But it looks interesting!

Potatoes in a Barrel

Has anyone ever tried it?
I know people who have successfully done this with straw, not sawdust. Some of them harvest potatoes while the plants are still growing. I dunno, I wouldn't want to use that sawdust in my garden afterwards, unless I knew that it hadn't been treated. Some of the chemicals they put on wood that is going to be used outdoors can be pretty nasty.

I think this would work with Harry and Bolas's method. They grow potatoes in big garbage bags.
Here's what the patio potato pots look like. So easy.


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We made these potato boxes as an experiment this year, starting out low, adding soil and more potatoes seed, more boards to the sides, they are 3 feet tall now, full green. We don't know how it turns out yet, too early to harvest, we are in zone 4.


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