Share your Pepper Steak Recipes

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Assistant Cook
Jan 3, 2009
I first had this at the Dal Rae in Pico Rivera, CA. They have this pepper steak, which is just a steak, but they throw on bacon and green onions on top of it.

Here's what I am trying so far (Topping ONLY)

Slice a few bacon strips into small 1/2" squares.
Fry it up, drain grease.
Next I will chop up some green onions and saute it with the bacon in butter.
Pour in a splash of Worcestershire sauce

After the steaks are done, I'll put about 1/4" cup of the contents on each steak.

Attached is a pic of tonights attempt. It was great and I would definitely make it again.

Anyone ever had this at a restaurant? Even better the Dal Rae? Can you provide your attempts or suggestions at making this?


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Pepper Steak is the reason my DH is no longer allowed in the kitchen.

27 years ago when I was in the hospital delivering my youngest daughter, my DH was home with my step-daughter and decided to fix "Pepper Steak" for dinner. :ermm:

Unfortunately, his idea of pepper steak was to coat cubed steak in ground black pepper and then fry it up. :ohmy: When he served it to my step-daughter, she told him it was too hot to eat so he told her it would be okay if she just covered it in mayo. :ohmy:

She told me the story and he has been banned from cooking in the kitchen without supervision ever since. :LOL:
I've only had pepper stake in Chineese places. I just cut meat in thin strips, marinade in soy sauce and sugar mixture, about half and half. Add a whole bunch of cut up green onions or red bell pepper and the fry really fast. Add pepper flakes as much as you like to make it as hot as you like, for me it's just a very little. Then I boil the rest of marinade or make fresh one add a little bit of starch and cook until it is thick. Poor over meat done. I know it is not true recipe, but it is very quick. Flank works realy well, or the skirt stake.
what Charlie describes is what I think of as pepper steak, too. I was looking for mom's recipe but haven't found it yet. GHPoe, where's the pepper in your dish?
I just season the steaks with salt and cracked pepper (more pepper than one normally would). You are right, about why did I called it pepper steak. :) I only called it that because that is what this particular restaurant calls it on their menu.
BTW, I found a something on the internet that says chopped mushrooms are used in the sauce as well.
Dal Rae Pepper Steak (Pico Rivera, CA)

Haven't eaten there in many, many years because it is so far away. Once upon a time they had a branch in Los Angeles. My father-in-law introduced me to this steak and he made what I thought was a pretty good replica. I can't remember the quantities - sorry - but the ingredients included sliced green onions, cracked pepper, bacon, and soy sauce. It was sooooo good. Even good on hamburgers if you can't afford steak.

STEAK, well chilled
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp. Rosemary
1 Tbslp. Green Peppercorns
5 Black Peppercorns
1/4 tsp. Salt
5 Tblsp. Butter, melted

Mash together the Garlic Powder, Rosemary,Green Peppercorns, Black Pepper & Salt in mortar & pestle.
Rub mixture on the Steak (s)
Pour melted Butter on a plate and coat both sides of the well chilled steaks.
Place steaks back in the refrigerator for approx. 30 minutes.
Place chilled Steaks immediately on Grill / OR / Sear in heavy cast-iron skillet.
You know the rest of the drill.
eat. smile :)
Chef, thanks so much for this...we are having Porterhouse steak tomorrow night and were on the lookout for a nice sauce :)
Peppered Steak
Sirloin Tip Strips or either you can buy a sirloin strip steak and cut it up yourself.
1 pepper , sliced
1 onion , sliced
1 tbsp. Garlic Powder
2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 (10.5 oz.) of Campbell's Beef Gravy
Cooked Rice

In saucepan cook sirloin strips (don't cook it on very high temperature cause the meat cooks really quickly and dries out quick) I normally cook mine on about medium heat and when meat is almost done (still a little red left) I'll take it out. And set aside.

After you've removed your steak strips. Add about 1 tbsp of butter to the pan and saute your veggies (onions and peppers) and cook until translucent but a little crunchy still. Drain and return back to the pan.

Add the 1 tbsp of Garlic Powder & 2 tbsp of Worcestershire sauce, mix well. Then pour in Beef Gravy stir and let simmer for about 5-10 minutes on medium high heat make sure to stir occasionally so it doesn't stick. Then you can add the steak strips in and let simmer for 4-5 more minutes and then serve over rice.

Very yummy, my family cooked this about 2 years ago and now DH ask for every other wekk :chef:
Steak au Poivre and Ratatouille Hash


2 tablespoons canola oil
Kosher salt
2 teaspoons coarsely ground black pepper
One 12-ounce hangar steak
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
Ratatouille Hash:
3 tablespoons canola oil
1 medium red bell pepper, diced
1 medium yellow bell pepper, diced
1 zucchini, diced
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cup grape tomatoes
2 large Yukon gold potatoes, par cooked in salted water (not peeled) and diced
1/2 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley


For the steak: Heat the canola oil in a large saute pan over high heat until it begins to shimmer. Sprinkle the steak on both sides with salt and crust one side of the steak with the pepper. Put the steak in the pan, pepper-side down, and cook until golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Flip and continue cooking to medium-rare doneness, 4 to 5 minutes longer. Remove to a plate and let rest 10 minutes.

For the vinaigrette: In a mixing bowl, combine the red wine vinegar and Dijon mustard and season with salt and pepper. Whisk lightly, then slowly stream in the extra-virgin olive oil. Fold in the basil leaves.

For the hash: Heat the canola oil in the pan, add the peppers and zucchini and cook, stirring a few times, about 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook until the vegetables are soft, about 5 minutes. Next, add in the tomatoes and cook for 1 minute. Add the potatoes, season with salt and pepper and cook until lightly golden brown on all sides. Season with salt and pepper and transfer to a platter. Drizzle with some vinaigrette.

To serve: Slice the steak and move to a serving platter. Drizzle with some vinaigrette. Serve alongside the hash.
I don't have a recipe written down for it - just in my head

thick steak slcied againest the grain thin sliced not real thin maybe 1/8'thick
place in a bowl sprinkle with cornstarch and mix add some soysauce and let set while getting everything else ready
1 lg onion sliced or diced ( I like it sliced)
1-2 Garlic minced ( depends on your garlic taste)
fresh ginger - a couple grates on a grater ( or a pinch or two or dry fresh is better)
1-2 cans of beef broth (depending if you like alot of "gravy")
1 bunch of broccoli - separted into the smaller pcs
heat your work or a cast iron pan or whatever you have
add some oil - peanut or canola i 'd say about 2-3 tablspoons
add the meat and stir it around quickly till just turn brown all over - remove from pan
and set aside
add in broccoli and stir till softenedor you can steam it ahead of time put in the end
throw in onions-garlic ginger cook till softened
put back in the beef and if steam the broccoli put that in
now add in your beef stock
now in a small bowl make a little slurry of water and cornstarch
add a little at a time a stir till you get the thickness you want add more of the slurry in needed.
add more soy sauce to your desired tasting.
sometimes I add mushrooms and thin sliced carrots
serve over cooked rice
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Must be all the christmas baking I been doing. In my above recipe should be green peppers instead of the broccoli and don't steam them just add them when you do the onions
I must of had broccoli on the brain as it is the same as i do beef and broccoli.
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