Our Belated Valentines Day Dinner Review - Sole Proprietor

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Chief Eating Officer
Jul 14, 2004
DW and I celebrated Valentines day last night, a tradition that we will continue from now on. We went to a restaurant I have been wanting to try for a very long time called The Sole Proprietor. It is a well know fish place around here.

At around noon yesterday I called to make reservations. We were planning on going VERY early as my parents were babysitting an DW had to work in the morning so we wanted to be home before Rachel went to bed. I asked for a reservation at 5:30. They almost laughed. They said they could do before 4 or after 9. OK scratch the reservation, we will just walk in and hope to get seated before we get too hungry.

We got to the restaurant around 5 or so anticipating a 60-90 minute wait. Luckily they have a very nice bar with a lot of room so we did not feel like we were too crowded or in anyones way. DW got a Pumpkinhead drink. She is a huge pumpkin fan and quickly declared this the best thing she had ever tasted. I had a mojito. It was not made correctly, but the bartender did not skimp on the booze and it tasted good so I was happy.

We were able to spend quality time with each other just talking adult talk for the first time in a long time while we waited for our table. Our hour and a half wait flew by.

We were seated and our waitress was at our table in seconds. She was very friendly and asked if we had been here before. When we said we had not then she proceeded to give us a tour of the menu pointing out some popular items and some of her personal favorites. She also told us that we have her as a waitress, but also another person whom she then pointed out to us. That came in handy when we wanted another drink.

DW ordered another Pumpkin head and I got a beer. DW continued to say how amazing this drink was and made me promise to try to recreate it at home next weekend.

I ordered a half dozen oysters on the half shell to start. They were amazing. Buckytom, you had asked what Foley Purified oysters were when you saw the menu. I asked the waitress and she said Foley is where they get all their seafood from and they certify that the seafood is clean and disease free, red tide free, etc. I could have had 3 dozen more they were so good. I almost talked DW into trying one, but once she saw them there was no way she was going to try. They were very big and she couldn't picture putting the whole thing in her mouth.

With out meals we had a choice of soup or salad. DW got the Goat Cheese and Fennel Salad. It was amazing. The apples were amazingly tart and sweet. The goat cheese (which I have never been a fan of) was smooth and creamy. The balsamic glaze worked perfectly with the whole thing. DW was in heaven.

I had the seafood chowder. It was delicious. Nice chunks of fish in a wonderful chowder. It was not too thick and not too thin, just right.

For our main course DW had the broiled haddock which came with mashed potatoes and veggies. It was very good. She ate about half of it and was stuffed.

I had the Blackened Tuna Steak Sashimi. Yellowfin tuna slightly blackened to extra rare. Served with cone shaped nori wrapped seasoned rice, wasabi, soy, pickled ginger, and marinated seaweed salad. It was some of the best tuna I have ever had. They did not skimp on the portions either. It was too very large pieces of fish. The seaweed salad was just a little taste though. If you pressed me to find a negative about our experience and MADE me find one that I would say I would have liked a little more seaweed salad.

We had planned on getting dessert too as they had so many great choices (and I almost never want dessert), but we simply did not have room. We both took some of our dinners home.

Dinner was not cheap, but it was well worth every penny. We were able to share a romantic evening together just the two of us and ate some amazing food in a wonderful setting. We will be going back there again I am sure.

I took a number of pictures of our food, but this is the only one that came out at all. Sorry for the horrible quality. It was taken with my phone. This is my tuna dinner (and todays lunch) :)


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GB, sounds like you had a lovely evening! Next time you take your wifey out for some alone time, you'll have to revisit sole proprietor for dessert...I'm anxious to 'see' and hear about their offerings! If dinner is that awesome, then dessert is bound to be spectacular!!
GB, I am so glad that you and your DW had some quality time together - and how lucky you are to have gone to a great restaurant! Thanks for sharing - what is in a pumpkinhead drink?

I would of had crab stuffed portabella, asian pear and walnut salad, and seafood saute and white chocolate tartufo. Sounds good, I don't think we have this restaurant in Chicago - I would love to try it!
Michelemarie my second choice was the seafood saute. I think that pear and walnut salad sounds amazing as well.

Punpkinhead was rum, bailys, some sort of alcohal called pumpkin spice, i think there was a touch of milk or cream, and dusted with nutmeg. It wa served in a martini glass.

Jenny, the desserts looked amazing. I hate cheesecake, but while we were in the bar we saw a server bring a slice out. It was large enough to share with 4 or 5 people. It was topped with the most amazing strawberries on top. They were perfect looking!

We plan on going back and sitting at the bar. I will get some things from the raw bar and DW will get some dessert (and probably another pumpkin head :))
So ironic you mention this restaurant because I was just watching the Phantom Gourmet, who highly recommends this restaurant and particularly the tuna sashimi. Sounds like a great restaurant.
Amber I just saw that is morning too. That sashimi looked amazing with the avocado.
I've never had fresh tuna. I've heard it tastes nothing like the canned tuna. Is the taste maybe similar to halibut? (which I love).
I am guessing by fresh you mean raw. No the flavor is nothing like any cooked fish you have ever tasted. It is such a fresh clean taste. There is nothing else like it. It really is amazing!
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