Opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

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We did catch Celine Dion's performance on the tail-end of the national news. I agree, she was superb.
We won't be watching much of the Olympics. After all the hype and discussion and ads on NBC we are about Olympiced out!
I've never really been interested in watching the Olympics but when I heard that Celine Dion had sung in the opening ceremony , I looked for it on YouTube. Absolutely fantastic, as always! She's one of my favorites. Incredible, elegant, heavenly voice.
I recorded the 6:00:00 opening ceremony and we have been watching it a little at a time. Paris spared no expense for this but it seems a bit much.
I sort of feel sorry for the increase in their taxes to cover all that - I remember the squawking over the World's Fair and then the Olympics when they were in Montreal.

Only Dion's song was deleted from Youtube. Don't know who instigated that, could even have been her - she could certainly pull the strings for it.
There has been a concerted effort by the religiously fervent social media warriors to encourage outraged pearl clutching about the drag queen last supper segment.
The response has been to take all the online footage down, instead of defending the segment as it was intended to portray the story of Dionysius. The organisers have even apologised for the misinterpretation felt by some.
People have every right to feel offended by something they perceive as being blasphemous to their religion, but the hateful comments are now starting to become elevated to a quite scary level.
There are people advocating violent acts against IOC officials, transgender people and hoping to incite riots in Paris.
The world is a different beast since the proliferation of social media.
Celine Dion’s performance at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics is all over YouTube. I just watched it two minutes ago. I agree, she was the best part of the ceremonies. A few others were worth watching — the lady who sang the French national anthem, the piano player and one or two other singers. The rest was not worth much and I watched every minute of it. Yep, the world has changed ….
There has been a concerted effort by the religiously fervent social media warriors to encourage outraged pearl clutching about the drag queen last supper segment.
The response has been to take all the online footage down, instead of defending the segment as it was intended to portray the story of Dionysius. The organisers have even apologised for the misinterpretation felt by some.
People have every right to feel offended by something they perceive as being blasphemous to their religion, but the hateful comments are now starting to become elevated to a quite scary level.
There are people advocating violent acts against IOC officials, transgender people and hoping to incite riots in Paris.
The world is a different beast since the proliferation of social media.
I did not see any of this because I am "unplugged" from cable TV. However reading what Jade Emperor wrote about this situation going on in Paris is crazy.:ohmy: All it is, is a bunch of grown people with the mental ability of two year olds trying to get attention. Do not pay them any mind. Do not give insane people power by reacting to their stupidity. I am old enough to see that people usually get what they have coming to them. Everybody needs to relax. Freedom of Speech. Let them say what they want. If you don't react then they lose.
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