Need coffee grinder recommendation(s)!

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What kind of coffee do you brew? If it's a drip brew or percolator, then a whirly blade grinder will be good enough. It will even work decently in a pinch for espresso. But, if you use a French press, I recommend the burr type grinder, even though they tend to be more expensive. The whirly blade won't give a uniform grind as coarse as what you want for the French press. You will get too many small particles and they will show up in your cup.

No blade grinder.. blade grinder bad bad....

Especially if you want espresso.

No blade grinder.. blade grinder bad bad....

Especially if you want espresso.
True, but your being very esoteric. Most people will be happy if they have a coffee that actually taste like coffee, let alone distinguish between a bean that has been sliced as opposed to crushed. I of course lean towards the crushed bean. :w00t2:
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