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Wordle - Have one last (#6) chance. Have 4 letters, all in the right place and the 5th letter, I've gone thru the entire alphabet of remaining letters - looking them up individually - and they ALL (but one) have a meaning!
P - L - F- J- X - z
Wordle - Have one last (#6) chance. Have 4 letters, all in the right place and the 5th letter, I've gone thru the entire alphabet of remaining letters - looking them up individually - and they ALL (but one) have a meaning!
P - L - F- J- X - z
I just played the NYT Wordle for today and it has NONE of those letters anywhere in the puzzle.
Well, asked my sister and wondered if she gets the same words as I. She does. So was your word yesterday AISLE?

The above letters I wrote were the letters I had not used yet. Not the letters in the word. The word starts with a B.

Edit: I did finally get it but she had to give me a hint.
Wordle. I can't seem to get through to my husband that I don't want a hint! We both do it early in the morning. Sometimes he has to tell me about his strategies. He's got a streak going around 140ish, so feels lots of pressure not to break it. I get that he feels that way. It is a let down to have a long streak of winning and then lose.
Tomorrow is Friday the 13th! Anyone superstitious?

My ex-SIL was. One Friday the 13th, she came over, and I had set up a ladder in the family room to walk under, with an umbrella next to it to open in the house, followed by breaking a cheap mirror. I couldn't find a black cat to borrow. :devilish: :ROFLMAO:

I started playing Wordle when it first became popular. I don't know what my longest streak is. I occasionally forget to play and the streak goes back to zero. I have more 2-try or 3-try solves than 5-try or 6-try solves. More 4 try solves than any of the others.

Also, there's a WORDLE app for your phone or tablet where you can play more often. It's a little different from the NYT puzzles but still fun.
I only ever heard of it a couple of months ago from my sister. Don't play consistently, being bored lately and with mention of it here, started up again. Usually 5, a couple of 4, sometimes 6. Only just getting the hang of it. Have now actually registered myself so it will keep track of my records.... sigh - guess I won't be able to lie anymore.
I do play as well, early morning with my cup of coffee.
And favourite sauce to go with chips is satay sauce
I went outside tonight to smoke a cigar. I don't smoke in the house, because it stinks up the house for days, and tonight it was 68F, so I couldn't resist going out to enjoy a rare treat, an expensive cigar. I opened my driveway gate and took a little walk out front.

We have all kinds of critters here... field rats, squirrels, rabbits, possums, raccoons, coyotes and bobcats. I was standing in my driveway smoking my cigar, and a raccoon came out from behind a car parked in the street, and stood about 20 feet in front of me, and gave me a lengthy look-over. It stood there for a good thirty seconds, just looking me over. I said, "Hello mister raccoon." It just looked me over, until it figured I wasn't going to give it any food, then turned and walked away at a leisurely pace.

That was a random event that I enjoyed.

That happens to me occasionally. I like sitting outside in the evenings as well. My latest visit was a possum. Then the previous week, two raccoons waddled up towards me. One stayed back, kind of hiding under my car. The other one came closer and just looked at me. I was like "What?"

It stared at me for a few. Then I spoke again and said "I'm sorry, but I don't have any food on me."

Almost as though the raccoon understood what I said, it gave me one more staredown, then turned and waddled over to its partner and they both walked off.

I think raccoons are very cute. However, I almost kind of freeze when they come around because all I can think is man, I hope it's not rabid and attacks me for no reason.
I watched some tourists in Florida, walking over the causeway. When they reached ground they were met with a small horde of racoons. Thought they were so cute and stopped to take pictures - but when no food was forthcoming proceeded to basically attack them, grabbing at their purses and bags. Tourist ran screaming down the road. Don't know if anyone got bit or not but....
I don't think they'll ever get too close to wildlife again.
I watched some tourists in Florida, walking over the causeway. When they reached ground they were met with a small horde of racoons. Thought they were so cute and stopped to take pictures - but when no food was forthcoming proceeded to basically attack them, grabbing at their purses and bags. Tourist ran screaming down the road. Don't know if anyone got bit or not but....
I don't think they'll ever get too close to wildlife again.
Maybe I should start carrying food with me when I go outside at night :LOL:

Thing is, though, I don't want to make it a habit feeding them because then they'll expect it all the time. I have to keep a brick on top of my outdoor trash bin because they get into the trash, tear open bags and make a big mess. So I put a stop to that. Maybe that's why they're coming to me now. I cut off their food scrounging source.
Maybe I should start carrying food with me when I go outside at night :LOL:

Thing is, though, I don't want to make it a habit feeding them because then they'll expect it all the time. I have to keep a brick on top of my outdoor trash bin because they get into the trash, tear open bags and make a big mess. So I put a stop to that. Maybe that's why they're coming to me now. I cut off their food scrounging source.
OMG - that's the last thing you should do!
So as not to attract them with enticing smells - wash/rinse your meat trays, plastic wraps, food cans. Of course there are going to be some smells, can't be helped. But you can lessen the overpowering "come hither" smells they are attracted to.
The less they come around, the less chance of you accidently walking around the corner and straight into them.
OMG - that's the last thing you should do!
So as not to attract them with enticing smells - wash/rinse your meat trays, plastic wraps, food cans. Of course there are going to be some smells, can't be helped. But you can lessen the overpowering "come hither" smells they are attracted to.
The less they come around, the less chance of you accidently walking around the corner and straight into them.
Yeah, no, not a good idea to feed them. Like I said, if I start that malarkey, it'll never end.

Good idea on rinsing food containers. But I think the brick has worked because I don't see them trying to get into the trash anymore. I think they've given up. Although as mischievous as raccoons are, I'm surprised they haven't found a way to move the brick, LOL. They're smart little buggers and can figure things out pretty quickly.
They can certainly open a lot of things! I'm really surprised that the brick has worked for you. Hasn't for many people. Should you ever need to buy a new trash bin, they do sell them that are racoon proof.
I watched some tourists in Florida, walking over the causeway. When they reached ground they were met with a small horde of racoons. Thought they were so cute and stopped to take pictures - but when no food was forthcoming proceeded to basically attack them, grabbing at their purses and bags. Tourist ran screaming down the road. Don't know if anyone got bit or not but....
I don't think they'll ever get too close to wildlife again.

I used to camp every Halloween with my teardrop camper group at a State Park in Northern Louisiana. The park was loaded with raccoons. At night, you could use a flashlight in the dark to light up their eyes, and you see hundreds.

Now and then, we would encounter an aggressive one or two. I kept a pellet pistol with plastic pellets on me. The plastic pellet would not penetrate their skin, but they probably felt it for quite a while, and it sure changed their aggressive attitude. :ROFLMAO:

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