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That dead yeast, apparently you can use it to make nutritional yeast. I saved this link, because I have some dead yeast as well and one of these days, I plan to try this. I would have more motivation if it was something I used more than once in a blue moon. But, a lot of people say that it adds umami. This wouldn't have the added Vitamin B-12, but neither I nor @Sir_Loin_of_Beef are vegans, so we probably don't need to get it from something other than meat.

I've only ever kept yeast in the fridge. Never froze it. There's been times I've gone ages (years) without using it and when I do - is just fine.
I keep my yeast in the freezer and have no problem. The breads I just made in the last week have used yeast that's been in the freezer since the beginning of COVID-19. Still active.
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I bought a pound of instant yeast at the beginning of the pandemic, kept most of it in the freezer and a smaller amount in the fridge for regular use. I recently ran out and bought another pound and I keep it all in the freezer and use it from frozen.
I bought a pound of instant yeast at the beginning of the pandemic, kept most of it in the freezer and a smaller amount in the fridge for regular use. I recently ran out and bought another pound and I keep it all in the freezer and use it from frozen.
I also use mine from frozen. I use a bread machine.

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