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I went outside tonight to smoke a cigar. I don't smoke in the house, because it stinks up the house for days, and tonight it was 68F, so I couldn't resist going out to enjoy a rare treat, an expensive cigar. I opened my driveway gate and took a little walk out front.

We have all kinds of critters here... field rats, squirrels, rabbits, possums, raccoons, coyotes and bobcats. I was standing in my driveway smoking my cigar, and a raccoon came out from behind a car parked in the street, and stood about 20 feet in front of me, and gave me a lengthy look-over. It stood there for a good thirty seconds, just looking me over. I said, "Hello mister raccoon." It just looked me over, until it figured I wasn't going to give it any food, then turned and walked away at a leisurely pace.

That was a random event that I enjoyed.

@caseydog, I like that you commune with the raccoon. I like to do that too with the living beings that are in our yard. We haven't seen the ghostly deer again since the other night. He/she needs a talking to.
@msmofet, that is so nice of your DD, the Doobies! I can't wait to hear about it.

I spent last night melting bees wax into pucks for easier handling. We found my box of wax from past wax projects. Paraffin, 3 colors of micro crystalline wax. I remelted the micro crystalline wax for easier handling. 3 pans for melting, 2 pans for water under the other pans. Now organized, boxed, labeled, and I have one project to make cloth wax food wraps. ....next...find the right fabrics.
I'm doing pretty well with Wordle!
You too! Do you love it? This morning I had 4 letters by word 2. My husband played it before me and he couldn't let me be, he had to give me a clue (that I don't want) so he wove it into a different conversation about bees! I told him that is cheating, he doesn't care. :LOL: He's on a streak of 140 now and feeling the pressure afraid of losing his streak.
@caseydog, I like that you commune with the raccoon. I like to do that too with the living beings that are in our yard. We haven't seen the ghostly deer again since the other night. He/she needs a talking to.
@msmofet, that is so nice of your DD, the Doobies! I can't wait to hear about it.

I spent last night melting bees wax into pucks for easier handling. We found my box of wax from past wax projects. Paraffin, 3 colors of micro crystalline wax. I remelted the micro crystalline wax for easier handling. 3 pans for melting, 2 pans for water under the other pans. Now organized, boxed, labeled, and I have one project to make cloth wax food wraps. ....next...find the right fabrics.
Life has been a bit trying for a while now. It will be nice to get away and maybe forget for a while. OR it will bring back sad memories. Time will tell.

My grandfather was a beekeeper. He would "treat" friends and family with royal jelly.
His brother had allergies. Grandpa would have a bee sting his brother every so often to help with the allergies.
He would rent his hives out to farmers to pollinate trees and crops. He got to keep the honey and sold it to a local farmers market.
I wish I could get some wax. My mom used to make candles.
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@msmofet we are new beekeepers. We are using all that we render so far.

Did anyone else do Wordle? It took me the full 6 words to get today's.

Are you seeing fall? 12 days until fall. Do you love fall? The color of the leaves and the skies? Anyone have fall pictures?
Are you seeing fall? 12 days until fall. Do you love fall? The color of the leaves and the skies? Anyone have fall pictures?

We got a little tease, but it is going to be 98F on Saturday, with a HI of 103F. Fall doesn't begin here until around Halloween.

Winter has gone
Summer is on its way.
Day time temperatures of 37 to 40 oC (99-104 F)
You are closer to the equator than I am, by quite a distance. How cold does it get there at the peak of winter?

I'm in one of the hottest areas if the country.
Min night temp may hit 7 oC (45 F), but just for a very short period.
Day time still mostly at 25+ oC (77 F)
LOL, maybe we should start a new Thread for Wordle, hadn't been doing it for a while til someone here reminded me. Yesterday was 5th try.
I can't go back and try past words as dragn is too cheap to pay the subscription.:mrgreen:

Picture from 2016, on my way to do the groceries.
I went outside tonight to smoke a cigar. I don't smoke in the house, because it stinks up the house for days, and tonight it was 68F, so I couldn't resist going out to enjoy a rare treat, an expensive cigar. I opened my driveway gate and took a little walk out front.

We have all kinds of critters here... field rats, squirrels, rabbits, possums, raccoons, coyotes and bobcats. I was standing in my driveway smoking my cigar, and a raccoon came out from behind a car parked in the street, and stood about 20 feet in front of me, and gave me a lengthy look-over. It stood there for a good thirty seconds, just looking me over. I said, "Hello mister raccoon." It just looked me over, until it figured I wasn't going to give it any food, then turned and walked away at a leisurely pace.

That was a random event that I enjoyed.

We. too. have all manner of critters here. I especially enjoy them.

There are three windows "married" together on the front part of our living room. To my enjoyment and amazement, I spied a racoon with its paws on the outside sill of the middle window saying "hi" to me. Okey dokey, "hi" back to you.
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