Happy Day!

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PieSusan, its too bad you aren't having a happy day. Loss is difficult for everyone.

Well folks, the day was extremely long but even more rewards came from it. We have been searching for a good "fit" for our daughters in softball teams. WE FOUND IT!! For BOTH of them! Last night ran so late because of a parent meeting for the eldest and we are so happy. The coaches are exactly right for our girl and while the schedule is heavy, they are willing to accomodate the fact that she dances as well. I'm so thankful. She likes the girls and they seem to be bonding well already. YAY!!!

This morning started early but I'm anticipating another happy happy day.
Alix, I am so glad you started this thread. It is kind of a new version of the last thing that made you smile but can be about the anticipation of a happy day as much as reflecting on what made you happy!

That is so great about your daughters' teams! I remember with the nephews, and now with the best friends' sons, how the fit with the team is so important.

I am still happy from meeting with my friends and their daughter last night and designing her wedding cake! I better get started though because we are doing a huge spray of red roses (out of sugar) for the top cake and then a bud for each of the "mini cakes" which will be about 100!

Today should be a good day as well because some guys are coming over to help get our bedroom floor in! I am making a big pot of turkey chili and some corn bread!
Yum yum! Turkey chili sounds wonderful! Things are sure looking up for you lately, I'm so glad as you had a lot of icky stuff going on there for a bit. Enjoy your day, I'm certainly enjoying mine. The sun is shining again and its warm enough to be out in just a spring coat. AHHHHH!
I'm happy for Alix and Laurie! I am also happy that (as soon as today is over anyway) we made it through January. One minute, one hour, one day, and one month at a time! I'm also happy that the boxer that is running around loose is very very friendly and loves Cubbie and us (It could be so ugly otherwise!)!

I have 3/4 of a bedroom floor and an empty chili pot with one small piece of cornbread left! This really has been a happy day! They would have finished the floor but found that the room is not square (not surprising and so the last strips are taking a lot of triming. But it is beautiful and I sent four guys (plus DH who is gone to work now) out the door with full and happy tummies!

Robsan, I know what you mean - I hate shopping, but I love the results of my trips!

Barb, your do you have pictures of Cubbie? I understand about the boxer running around - our Violet is a border collie/boxer and she has strength and energy to burn!

Thanks once again, Alix for the encouragement. I have just decided to have a positive attitude that things will get better and they are, slowly, but very surely.
Here he is Laurie! I need to take some new pictures. These are pretty old, but other than getting longer, taller, and filling out some, he still looks the same. The first two are with the boxer that used to come visit (taken last February). His name was Roscoe and I loved him so much. We just found out that someone shot and killed him. :( I think the boxer that has been coming over this week could be his dad or brother. The other pictures were taken in 2007, but as I said, Cubbie still looks pretty much the same.



  • Cubbie and Roscoe, relaxing 2-24-08.jpg
    Cubbie and Roscoe, relaxing 2-24-08.jpg
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  • Roscoe and Cubbie sleeping head-to-head 2-24-08--2.jpg
    Roscoe and Cubbie sleeping head-to-head 2-24-08--2.jpg
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  • Cubbie 7-24-07 (2).jpg
    Cubbie 7-24-07 (2).jpg
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  • Cubbie and New Water Tub 7-24-07 (1).jpg
    Cubbie and New Water Tub 7-24-07 (1).jpg
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Oh, don't tell Tony (or my dogs) but I am in love, Barbara! He is very handsome indeed! I love the tentative paw in the wash tub. Violet would be in there with all fours and head first! Do you know she has her own paddling pool? ....and it is purple!!!!!
Cubbie now has two of them! He was only tentative because his tub was brand new. He "swims" regularly! The reason we bought two was that we hoped that he would leave one to drink out of, and it seems to be working.

Cubbie makes many of my days (today included) happy!

Atta girl Laurie! Sometimes the only way to make changes we don't want to make is a little at a time with lots of friends holding our hands! I'm hanging on to you! (Stupid cholesterol!!)

And although I'm tired (just nowhere NEAR enough sleep!) I'm still happy. This place is such a balm to my soul right now. My friends are with me, my family is settled and my fuzzies are at my feet. Life is good.

Can you post pix of your new floor?
Can you post pix of your new floor?

I plan to do a whole expose on our "new home" as it gets completed. I won't take one of the floor right now because DH has stuff all over it but as soon as the last board is in and the green dust is removed I will snap a few! The carpet, lino and new vanity as well. More progress was made today with the removal of the last of the big air filters! Man am I glad to have those noise makers out of my house - but I sure couldn't have stayed here without them!

I am glad life is good for you Alix. Sometimes that is all we need - contentment.
I think James and I need to move to Canada. You two can start looking for a house for us exactly halfway between the two of you!

BTW, Cubbie spends most of his time inside with us (he loves to be with us). We have to hook him up outside when we go somewhere, and for some exercise, but he loves to be inside with us. I didn't want anyone to think he has to be alone outside all the time! He is having his own happy day right now going back and forth between us for loving and visiting the kitties.

Do you like cold winters? Because I think half way between would probably be around Valemont, which is right in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Would you agree Alix? It is a very lovely place though!

It would be wonderful to have you so close!
Maybe we will have to have a winter home in BC on the coast, and a summer home in Edmonton! I'll bet it is pretty up there in the Rockies though!

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I had a happy and productive day today. I went to an architectural salvage place today in search of a doorknob set to replace one in the house that had broken. They had one that fit perfectly and loads of parts to have on hand for the rest of the doors. WooHoo!

The guy that runs this place is so nice and a pleasure to visit with - he's a wealth of information. I also found a fabulous, old, heavy brass, Craftsman-style mail slot. It's gorgeous and I walked out of there with that, a couple of heavy brass door plates and 2 knob sets for $20!
FM - whenever I visualize your kitchen I get "happy thoughts"!!!! I just love it!

I'm happy because we haven't been hit with spammers for a few days! Makes life easier around here. :LOL: It's been very relaxing here!

Alix - you are a good woman - I surely don't do malls but to be with those girls and have that much fun - I'd do it in a heartbeat...with you pushing me in a wheelchair! :ROFLMAO:
Don't you just love getting deals like that FM?!

Hey KE, you know those tandem baby strollers for two kids? Do you think they have any tandem wheelchairs? Alix can push us both! Or 3 and James can push us all!

OK, I'm LMAO at Barbara and James halfway between me and Laurie. And I think that halfway would be more like Kamloops. I think you guys would like it there. Kind of deserty. Seriously HOT in the summer. Valemount is only about 4-5 hours from me, and Vancouver is about 13 or 14 depending on who's driving! ;)

Well, my day was good today. The best part has been here just reading about whats been going on with everyone. I'm off to work a bingo for my daughter's ball team. Not really enthused about that but what the hey, its something new and different and they feed me so it can't be all bad.

KE, I don't do malls often either, but I would put money on you "doing" our mall. Its got everything. Frankly, we could drop you at one of the spas and pick you up later. LOL.

Hugs to you all, I'm off to do my duty.
Actually Alix, I knew it was more like Kamloops (DH's sister lives there) but I said Valemont because you have to realize I was (and still am) on mega meds! Kamloops would be great because we go there a couple of times a year to see my SIL.

I have been to your MALL once and I spent a few hours there and think I only saw about a quarter or less of it! Only mall I know that has two or three of the same store in it, just in different sections...or has that changed?

I am having a happier day today, even though I spend half of it in the hospital. I am feeling a bit better, I heard from my daughter and I am about to go have a long winter's nap!
I saw that mall on a Christmas movie I saw in December, and I fell in love with it instantly! Okay it's settled. James and I are moving into the West Edmonton Mall and Alix and Laurie will just have to come visit us there!

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